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Longest straight shelled cephalopod length

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I was trying to find the longest straight shelled cephalopod length but was unsuccessful, I heard anywhere from 7-14 feet. What's the real answer? Thanks.

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The Endoceratidae contain the longest fossil cephalopod shells known. Shells of up to 3 metres are known, but it is difficult to estimate the full length of the animal including its soft parts. 5.7 metres (18.7 feet) is a reasonable estimate. Dubious estimates of Cameroceras include reports of it being up to 11 metres (35 feet) long.  

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This excellent paper has detailed measurement statistics on orthoconic cephalopods:


Klug, C., De Baets, K., Kröger, B., Bell, M.A., Korn, D., Payne, J.L. 2015

Normal Giants? Temporal and Latitudinal Shifts of Palaeozoic Marine Invertebrate Gigantism and Global Change. Lethaia, 48(2):267-288  PDF LINK

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