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Shellfish Id From Mendocino County


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I found this fossil a few years ago while I was gathering abalone in Mendocino. It looks like a shellfish to me. Any thoughts?




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Holy hell, that's not what I expected at all. Was this from around Gualala? The only ammonites I know of in the SF region are near there, in Napa County, and a few pockets in the east bay. Bobby

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Very interesting. Looks to be some kind of heteromorph. If I were you I would be making plans to go search that area again. Good luck


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I will look harder next time I am at that spot. It is a great spot for foraging seafood. I guess it is also potentially good for ammonites.

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Echinoderminator, great find!

I used to go to school out that way and I dont remember many fossils of that age Cretaceous/Jurassic Periods (+65 Million years - 200 Million years) ever being collected in the Mendocino County area. I thought it was mostly the Franciscan complex material up there and it usually doesnt contain many fossils at all, especially marine molluscs like the ammonite. I'd have to get a geologic map out---starting to wonder if that location is east or west of where the San Andreas fault line trace goes out into the Pacific Ocean. I seem to remember some Cretaceous Great Valley sequence rocks which contain many more fossils being present somewhere along the coast. Where ever it came from its very nice and certainly not very common!

I'm not sure if any of the ammonite folks can help with a specific ID with genus and or species based on just the partial fossil and the rib patterns we see on the exterior of the shell. Maybe? In any event, I really enjoyed seeing something different from that area. Thanks for sharing. Regards, Chris

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