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Rockd Help


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Hello, I'm new and I've been having a ball exploring the data in Rockd, but sometimes it seems pretty hard to find only the locations, and information I am looking for. Are there any good guides or rules of thumb for using Rockd to try to identify good locations?

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I've never heard of this App before you mentioned it. I'm interested to see what experience others have had.


There is some helpful site prospecting information listed in threads on the forum. Some of these might also be relevant to using Rockd.




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Rockd is unfortunately one of the most under-used apps on my field tablet. Are you searching by formation? 

In terms of the information presented, although it is partially informed by geologic maps, it is somewhat approximate and not a replacement for actual geologic maps (I've noticed some lack of agreement between what the app says, and what my Geological Survey of Canada sheets say, in marking formation boundaries). 


Now, if you mean viable outcrops, Rockd will not provide those -- just the bedrock map regardless if it is an open pit or a shopping mall sits atop it. However, using Google Earth or Google Maps satellite view can provide you with some visual details of the potential sites. If you know the bedrock formation(s) of a given area, a satellite search is the first step to flagging potential sites to physically prospect (keeping in mind that prospecting generally can have a high fail rate).

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Kane said "keeping in mind that prospecting generally can have a high fail rate"


Ya ... wouldn't we know........ Hopefully this coming year will not be " "Non Fossil Bearing formations of Ontario Part II"

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I have Rockd downloaded to my phone, but sadly I forget that it’s there.

To me it seems a great resource as a “quick guide”. It automatically shows geology based upon location. However, much of its info has been pulled from the geological maps that I already use, and my state has a mobile friendly website with an interactive map if I need a quick look in the field. It renders much of the Rockd app’s information redundant. 

Most of the time I have already researched the area I am hunting and don’t need a map on the go, but when I do, I typically turn to Rockd’s source material and just skip the middle man app.

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2 hours ago, Malcolmt said:

Kane said "keeping in mind that prospecting generally can have a high fail rate"


Ya ... wouldn't we know........ Hopefully this coming year will not be " "Non Fossil Bearing formations of Ontario Part II"

I still think that would be a hilarious series to write. "The Frustrating Member of the Blank Formation is remarkably devoid of fossiliferous material with a tremendous paucity of any faunal traces whatsoever. The faunal list of this strata is as follows: ________. Moving right along, we consider the Destitute Formation, which is well-regarded among paleontologists for its smooth and fine-grained facies uninterrupted by anything remotely fossiliferous to spoil its pristine blankness..." 

...How to Philosophize with a Hammer



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I use RockD but it is only a map, be it with some good annotation.  You still need to know what formations are productive or even what layers within those formations are good.   So you need to read the descriptions of the formations as well.  


I find Google Earth or Maps street view, when available, to be the most valuable "tech" resource.  Use that to actually look at the outcrop. You may also see the fence between you and the rocks before you have driven an hour...


Also a word of caution. RockD is not always accurate.  Right here the map is off by hundreds of feet for my locality on the west side of Austin, TX.  GIGO, an old saying, garbage in garbage out.


Definitely take the time to read Uncle Siphuncle's FF page. He is the master at this.

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