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Brent, Thanks for posting the link. I browsed through their website last night. Later as I was looking through some micros, I found something that resembles them! I must have found it unusual and put in the slide for the future. It has 5 stubs and seems to be covered in small pores. When I first found it, I thought it might be a holdfast. Even if it isn't a Evactopora, at least your post and link are making me think it is a bryozoan of some sort. I'll try to post a picture here tonight.


Collecting Microfossils - a hobby concerning much about many of the little

paraphrased from Dr. Robert Kesling's book

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Is Evactopora a new classification or is it a family or class name. I always thought it was Evactinopora. Please clarify.


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Is Evactopora a new classification or is it a family or class name. I always thought it was Evactinopora. Please clarify.


My mistake, working from memory. The correct name is Evactinopora.

Brent Ashcraft

ashcraft, brent allen

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You are not the first to make that mistake. I have seen it used before and that is why I was questioning it. Kind of like me with Reteocrinus. For years I spelled it Reterocrinus.

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