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Where Do You Find Butvar?


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I can't find Butvar anywhere. Not even online. Can anyone help me out? I live in Los angeles. I want butvar 76!

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Dunno.. but as a reasonable substitute Duco/Acetone or Elmers White/water will work meanwhile.. I have not found Butvar either..


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ok, look, pva is not pvb, which is not nitrocellulose. they're not the same things, or they wouldn't have different chemical names, and therefore different chemical properties.

use whatever you want, but they're not all the same, and they don't at all have the same properties or likelihoods of long-term stability. they don't all have the same resistance to cross-linking, they don't all have the same reversibility, and they don't all have the same degree of discoloration and shrinkage over time. and if you tried mixing each of them in water, ethanol, and acetone, you'd discover they don't all mix in each of those, and so they can't all be used under the same conditions to the same effect.

using the search function on the forum for "butvar", and screening the results, gives this potential source for various grades of polyvinyl butyral - look under the coatings page.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Black Hills Institute (Google it) sells PVA beads (trade name=Vinac) on its website. I've used Vinac and Butvar and like Vinac much better; it is also more resistant to atmospheric moisture. I obtained Butvar directly from the company about 7 years ago. At that time they only sold in 20 pound barrels but the shipping was $200.00 by truck (they only way they ship. Black HIlls sells in small quantities to the general public.

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Butvar can be purchased from the University of Florida, Paleo Dept. about 1/4 or 1/2 pound quantities. Or from

Tampa Bay Fossil Club & probably most of the fossil clubs in Florida. - Blue Fossil Gal

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