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Does someone know if the water level at Greens mill run in Greenville, NC is at a level that is good for fossil hunting? We are supposed to leave tomorrow to go for a week but now not sure if the water level is too high. Will someone please help me? Also is there fossil hunting expeditions that anyone knows of that will be good?

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We have some members here on the forum who should have their fingers on the pulse of GMR. Hopefully, they'll chime in soon. @Al Dente @sixgill pete @Plax


I have fond memories of fossil hunting in GMR. Similar in technique to hunting fossils in the Peace River here in Florida but with fossils of an entirely different (and much older) fauna. In particular I was amused by the common finds that were novel to me--the Exogyra cancellata shells and the beautifully silificied belemnites. I had to be as comical as folks who are excited by their first dugong bone in the Peace River which quickly lose their appeal due to their abundance.






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Hi kimmi911 the water level is ok to go collecting if we don't get more rain today or tomorrow. Good luck George

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Thanks, George!


Hope all is well in your world. Fingers crossed that 2021 will be a return to normalcy and able to travel and fossil hunt interesting places again.






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