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Hello, hope every one is having a great day. Found this metal detecting and read that a fossil can eventually become metal? I have no clue? Thanks for your help.



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Looks like a 'mushroomed' lead bullet.

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I agree with JohnJ.


On the subject of magnetic fossils, there is sometimes enough iron in limonite and pyrite of the fossil to be magnetic. This is probably the most common form of magnetic fossils.

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  • New Members

OK thanks alot for answering. I thought for a moment that it could be a bullett but then I didn't think it was a bullet because the shapes and indentations in the metal were almost perfect so I thought it was bone that attracted metal when it was decaying. I also thought it could have been strange native american jewelry and even a metrorite which made the indentations. Thanks, again for answering my question!

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