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Fossil Sites Near Redding/red Bluff Ca


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I was wondering if anyone on here knew of any good fossil collecting sites in the Redding/Red Bluff, CA area. Any information you have would be much appreciated. Thanks!

- Josh

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jsw, I have an old 1965 US Geological Survey Prof Paper #503-F describing Lower Cretaceous ammonites Leconteites and Brewericeras by David L. Jones and others. When I lived in California I had plans to investigate an area they mentioned in the publication on Huling Creek, near Ono but I never got up that way. I dont know how remote it is now, whether its private property or whether there are still fossils there nowadays but you might poke around on the web using this info to see what more you can come up with.....Not sure if there is a local rock club in the area but those folks might also be able to suggest proven areas for you to visit. Regards, Chris

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Thank you for your reply. Using your information, I poked around on the internet a little. I found several references to the Budden Canyon Formation containing Cretaceous marine mollusks including ammonites. I managed to also find several geological maps of the area showing the exposures. I know someone who should know that area well and whether or not the exposures are still accessible. If they are, when the weather clears up I'll take a trip out there. Thanks again for the help!

- Josh

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Thank you for your reply. Using your information, I poked around on the internet a little. I found several references to the Budden Canyon Formation containing Cretaceous marine mollusks including ammonites. I managed to also find several geological maps of the area showing the exposures. I know someone who should know that area well and whether or not the exposures are still accessible. If they are, when the weather clears up I'll take a trip out there. Thanks again for the help!


I have a friend who checked out the Ono site several years ago. It is on private land. The owner allowed him to collect for less than a half-hour.

I heard there is a river in the Shasta County area you can walk down and find ammonites. A local clergyman finds them. He used to visit Bob Ernst in Bakersfield and once gave him a group of ammonites now on display upstairs at the Buena Vista Museum. The man was very tight-lipped about where he found them.

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Well I did check out a map of the area and it does look like most of the exposures are on private property. Anyways, I've found a couple other possible sites that I'll check out. Thank you all for the info!

- Josh

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Hey jsw. I used to know a few sites near you. Im not sure if ive still got the info, but give me a pm some time and I will check my files and see if Ive still got those sites?


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