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Sulphur River Question


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I have been thinking about purchasing this fossil fish from the sulphur river. I would be curious if anyone could identify it, and in what price range would you guys think? It seems to be in awesome shape and I love how the scales are preserved!!!!! Any feedback would be awesome!!



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First off...cool fossil! I would be very interested as to where it came from on the Sulphur ....which redzone (im looking at you creek crawler). Since you are local is the seller local and if so who are they (because i will provide them with beer for that hunting spot).

Not sure on the price, its hard to give prices on things like this. Its a really cool find and I haven't seen anything like that out there. Speaking off..if the dang water level would just drop a weee bit more......

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wow, this post only got one response?

the fossil is really cool, but i don't have the foggiest how to place a value on it. many want complete fossils, but the preservation is really neat. such things tend to hold special appeal to those of us who like that locality.

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