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Dimetrodon Claws, Legs, And Cervicals...


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Hi gang,

Hope everyone is doing well, and the new year is being good to everyone in the field. I added a few pics of our Dimetrodon's claws, a cervical, and an update on the leg prep. Just click on the link below and click the pics. The left articulated leg is coming along; each little bone in the foot is given its due attention. The claws are treated with special care. After 287 million years, even the sharpness has been preserved. The cervical is quite nice too. This one wasn't associated with our main boy, but from another skeleton a few feet away. This was from a rather large dimetrodon, almost twice the size of our main skeleton. Notice the neural spine and how short it is. Two to three vertebrae later, the dorsals begin and the neural spines are enormous. And for all of you out there that enjoyed the Coprolite post there's plenty more snarge out there we need blog about, so stay tuned...

Anyhooooo, hope you enjoy.



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Guest Smilodon

Hey Chris,

Very cool stuff. Collecting in the Permian down your way is on my ever dwindling bucket list of fossil sites.

The first time I saw Dimetrodon claw cores years ago, I was, well, underwhelmed given the size of the beast. I expected much bigger. I guess I still am puzzled. Any insights or thoughts?

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