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Huge concretion? Identification

Sally Hunt

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I hope this is the place to learn some knowledge. My husband works in a quarry in Devon and after a blast has come across these four beautiful giant concretions? Which were in a pocket together. I would be interested to know what they are made of. We have washed the one which was the smallest - the only one he could carry -the colours seem to be very red with some orange. There is also another which is around 1.2meters across which we will be adding to our set. 

I would be interested in any information regarding our new found rocks






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Nice concretions. It looks like they're chert from these pics.

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Thank you for your comment. Have added a close up to a damaged area to if it help. The grey area almost looks like crystal/salt layer. Chert seems grey in colour, these look very red.


Edited by Sally Hunt
Wrong colour
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I don't see conchoidal scars which might indicate chert/flint.  "Very red" suggests iron.  What is the material being excavated from the mine?

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In the dark backward and abysm of time?

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Yes, I see banded ironstone concretions, I think.

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20 minutes ago, Harry Pristis said:

I don't see conchoidal scars which might indicate chert/flint.  "Very red" suggests iron.  What is the material being excavated from the mine?

It's a lime stone quarry. 

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Can your husband tell us anything about the stratigraphy?


Greetings from the Lake of Constance. Roger


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I see what resembles conchoidal fracturing in image 4 but your last image isn’t very cherty. Like more like ironstone now. For clarity chert varies wildly in color due to other minerals present, such as iron.

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9 hours ago, Ludwigia said:

Can your husband tell us anything about the stratigraphy?

This is the aerial photo of Westleigh Devon. The section in the box is the area that was blasted, the concretions came from the base of this area which is around 400+ feet deep. The areas on top are stock piles not rock in the box.

Thank you for all your information we are finding this all very fascinating.


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I think it's iron stained limestone. Try a drop of vinegar which will fizz with limestone.

Tarquin      image.png.b7b2dcb2ffdfe5c07423473150a7ac94.png  image.png.4828a96949a85749ee3c434f73975378.png  image.png.6354171cc9e762c1cfd2bf647445c36f.png  image.png.06d7471ec1c14daf7e161f6f50d5d717.png

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3 hours ago, TqB said:

I think it's iron stained limestone. Try a drop of vinegar which will fizz with limestone.

No fizzing with vinegar 

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