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Pliestocene Micro Stuff


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here are a few of the things i found in the micro fossil matrix i got from Harry. ( thanks Harry) i think i have a good idea what these are but i would like to confirm it. so here they are in no particular order.

these fisrt ones i am pretty sure are shrew jaws and teeth


a few claws to ? the big one turtle?


bird and other claws?


small teeth?


snake jaw and teeth


i have no idea what these are



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Nice things, Brock! All of those shrew teeth are crimson-tipped?! I remember how fascinated I was when I first saw that phenomenon under my dissecting 'scope! I still don't know what causes it.

I just don't know which claw core is which. There are more than a few birds in that fauna. I would look for the largest, stoutest claw cores to be from the skunk, Spilogale.

That snake jaw with teeth is a real find . . . not because snakes are rare in the fauna, but because they are so delicate and with rootless teeth!

I don't recognize those bones in the last pic.

Good hunting! :)

-------Harry Pristis



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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I hate to lower the tone of the thread, but are the bones in the last picture baculae, or " bones"?

Equally, they look like they could be the final phalange of a small animal's toe - possibly a shrew again?

Every complex scientific problem has an elegant and simple solution... and it is wrong.

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neato finds brock! i do have to say that snake jaw is wicked! i also found some of those nice crimson teeth aswell, they are really nice to find, just sitting there in the matrix poking out at you!

youve got me excited, i need to go back to my lot and see if i missed any snake teeth!

I also found some of those weird little toe bones? they look like they could be small finger bones from something like a shrew....but thats just my guess.....

I have to post images of the new things i found in my second lot! if you have any spare time i would love to see all the other things you found, im interested to see what others are finding in this stuff!

its quite funny, i also found 2 little shrew jaws in my second lot excactly like yours! although mine are nearly jet black...



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I hate to lower the tone of the thread, but are the bones in the last picture baculae, or " bones"?

Equally, they look like they could be the final phalange of a small animal's toe - possibly a shrew again?

Baculum or bone ("os " or "os priapi" also) is a likely possibility for some of the bones in the last image.

Bacula are present in insectivores, bats, rodents, carnivores, and primates (except man). Man depends on a hydraulic system to get the job done. -_-

Good observation, Shady!

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What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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i also thought that the small bones were bacula. i just wanted to see what others had to say about them. i will post more pictures later.


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Harry, do you have any ideas on picture number 4? there are many species in there but do you know what they are? small rodents? any info would be very helpful! thanks!


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Harry, do you have any ideas on picture number 4? there are many species in there but do you know what they are? small rodents? any info would be very helpful! thanks!


I appreciate your confidence in my discernment abilities, Chris; but, without seeing the occlusal surfaces, I haven't a clue.

Many of 'em appear to me to be skunk premolars (the smaller ones) and skunk molars (the larger ones). Three roots are upper molars.

Those teeth without roots include rabbits, voles, and pocket gophers. Those mammals with rooted teeth include bats, squirrels, and mice and rats (Sigmodontines).

I've never before had the patience to study these tiny creatures, and now I'm learning about them just like you. :)

------Harry Pristis

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What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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haha Harry, no worries! im not sure if they are skunk, they would be from very very small little baby skunks, but maybe a close relative? I do see what you mean by the three roots are the upper molars in skunks, and that photo you gave me really helped to place each tooth in the jaw, but theses little ones dont seem to be very similar to the large teeth....hmm im learning too! i will try to get some occlusal views of each different species i can see and maybe someone on here might know! i will aslo see if i can match any to that sheet you gave me?



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oh and i posted all my second lot finds in the members collections thread, let me know what you think!

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok this is really good for anyone with any of Harrys material, this site shows a picture of what the bat teeth look like. Although they are miocene im sure that the pleistocene ones have similar structure, in fact i think i see one in your photo Brock.

heres the pic: and the website:



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i think you are right. it looks to me to be a bat tooth. thank you for drawing my attention to it. here is a link to a few pictures that i have taken so far of the micro stuff.


most of this i have identified i just need to get it put into the computer. one of these days.

by the way i have found that i can take pictures through my loop held up to the lense of my camera with pretty good results. i know it is primative but i can get 10x closer than i could before. picture clarity sufferes a bit but i can deal with that.


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i think you are right. it looks to me to be a bat tooth. thank you for drawing my attention to it. here is a link to a few pictures that i have taken so far of the micro stuff.


most of this i have identified i just need to get it put into the computer. one of these days.

by the way i have found that i can take pictures through my loop held up to the lense of my camera with pretty good results. i know it is primative but i can get 10x closer than i could before. picture clarity sufferes a bit but i can deal with that.


Man those photos are sweet Brock, thanks for sharing them! that skunk mandible in situ is awesome! im still drooling over it! haha. there is definantly a wide variety of those small teeth, if you get any posativley Identified please share, im dying to know what they are... the only ones i have identified at the mouse, only because i found a partial jaw.

But very nice pictures, the in situ ones are amazing! i wish i could get some of the unwashed stuff from Harry, but im afraid it would not be let through customs!?

anyway. I hope that bat ID helped, i know i picked out a few using that reference.



"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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oh an how complete was that skunk madible? with the crown molar?

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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the skunk jaw was almost just what you see in the picture. only one tooth, but i am not complaining. i think that i have been able to identify most of the stuff i found, with a few exceptions. i will try to get them posted soon for you.


and by the way, i was able to identify 2 bat teeth, so thank you again.

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