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"incatus" Tooth?


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I just stumbled across a picture on the RiversOfTime site which precisely matches a fossil I found this weekend a the North Sulfur River. It's marked on the site as "Incatus Tooth & Jaw Fragment", but Google finds no fossil-related hits for "Incatus" except on that site.

The image below is from the site, but I'll upload mine just as soon as the camera's charged. It's idential in almost every way to the topmost tooth.

Can anyone tell me what it is that I've found?


Every complex scientific problem has an elegant and simple solution... and it is wrong.

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Are they gill rakers? Possibly from a basking shark? That's the closest I can get by trawling through Google images, but still no reference to "incatus".

Every complex scientific problem has an elegant and simple solution... and it is wrong.

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Looks like an Enchodus (saber tooth herring) palatine fang.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Looks like an Enchodus (saber tooth herring) palatine fang.

I will second that - without question they are Enchodus sp.

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Thank you both! You are, of course, correct. Googling Enchodus I've now found many images that look just like my fossil. "Sabre-tooth Herring" eh? That's great! :)

Every complex scientific problem has an elegant and simple solution... and it is wrong.

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