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Shark Tooth From The Coniacian


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Hi all !

I have found this tooth in the french coniacian...it is lower coniacian...It is quite unusual for me to find teeth in France that is why I do not know them at all...

If some of the many shark lovers could help me I will be very glad !

Its size is about 2,5cm







See you and thank you !


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My initial impression is that this tooth is an example of Scapanorhynchus. This opinion is based on several of the photos which exhibit lingual striations on the crown. This genus is quite common in the Cretaceous having been identified from the Aptian to the Mastrichtian in Europe as well as other world-wide locations.

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I'd agree with that as well. It sure looks like a goblin shark (Scapanorhynchus) but I don't know your area all that well

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Thank you very much for your help.

They gave me the same id in the french forum so it must be this !

Thank you again !

See you


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