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well dang it...Monday slipped by again. I swear I blink and a day goes by. Well, here's a few fossils since it's Toothy Tuesday


Texas Cretaceous

Shark Cantioscyllium decipiens



Ray Ischyrhiza mira



Shark Rhincodontidae (Family)


Shark Onchopristis dunklei






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33 minutes ago, JamieLynn said:

A Fossil For Today! 

A lovely iridescent ammonite from Morocco. We've all seen em....and I still love them



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12 hours ago, DinoSharky said:

Location Madagascar?   Cleoniceras


No idea of location. Got it at a rock shop so assumed it was Morocco. Could be Madagascar. No provenance, unfortunately.  Cleoniceras seems a likely possibility. Thanks! 

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16 minutes ago, JamieLynn said:

Happy Th'Urchin Thursday!!


Texas Cretaceous Leptosalenia mexicana



Wonderful! I love Th’Urchin Thursday! :b_love1:

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The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.  -Neil deGrasse Tyson


Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't. -Bill Nye (The Science Guy)

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1 hour ago, grandpa said:

Did you find this yourself?  If so, what formation is it from?

Yep! My first Crab Carapace. It's from the Corsicana. Crab Carapce in the Corsicana....correct.

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Micro Monday! Some littles - Texas Cretaceous

 Unknown Ammonite



Echinoid Echinothurid sp plate



Unknown Foraminifera



Worm tube Hamulus 



 Dermal Denticle 



Echinoid Mouthpart rotula


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I spaced out on Tooth Tuesday apparently, so on to Weird Wednesday! 

It's not a super great example, but it's the only one I've ever found and it was south of Austin TX....in a place that was a bit of a surprise to find it in! 
Heteromorph ammonites are just weird all the way around and are fairly uncommon, so I was super excited to find one of these: 

Cretaceous Heteromorph Ammonite Idiohamites varians


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And here we are - Friday already! 

A new Favorite Fossil Find from the Glen Rose Formation Texas Cretaceous

My best preserved, if only a 5th of a Paracidaris texanus echinoid 





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I was busy updating my fossil albums yesterday and forgot to post a fossil HERE! 


 A little puffy trilobite genal spine from New York Devonian



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Another pristine example of one of Texas' classic Cretaceous echinoids.  Beautiful!!

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