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I was so busy yesterday I never got around to posting, so it's already Th'Urchin Thursday! 

One of my favorite Lower Cretaceous echies from the Glen Rose Formation

Echinoid Pygopyrina hancockensis 



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@Tidgy's Dad  Thank you! They are my pride and joy....:D


Today is All Fossil Friday! 

So here's a plethora of randomness


Aurora NC Miocene Shark Rhincodon cf typus 



Gastropod Rocky Pt NC Castle Hayne Eocene



Trilobite Gerastos sp. Lower Mid Devonian Issoumour Morocco



Ammonite Kosmoceras spinosum  Jurassic UK



Crinoid Silurian  Oklahoma










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10 minutes ago, JamieLynn said:

Tiger Shark Galeocerdo aduncus Aurora NC Miocene

Thanks for this, I have found only a few Aduncus... They are much rarer for me in Bone Valley than Contortus or Mayumbensis.

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The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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5 hours ago, JamieLynn said:

Toothy Tuesday! 

Shark Onchopristis dunklei Aguja Formation  Texas Cretaceous

Hate to be the pedant again...;)

This is a denticle, not a tooth. Onchopristis is a sawfish/ray and not a shark. It could be from Onchopristis, but I'm not sure there's a way to attribute denticles like this to a particular taxon.

Onchopristis tooth (Rowe et al. 1992):


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Forever a student of Nature


image.png.b91ce67f2541747809ca9464ef3e0fa6.png image.png.91f16f76669e71e2b39cff25bd672bde.png image.png.d9d37e4f54d24fd75a9c495d6f024bb8.png

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@ThePhysicist   I don't mind you being pedantic! Every time I learn something new! And yes, that makes sense that this is a denticle now that you say because of the more fluted base and the very long taper. I thought it looked a bit different from the other Onchpristis And honestly, I though sawfish were part of the shark family! Surprise...they are rays. Okay. Learned two new things today! hahahah! Thank you for your patience and knowledge! 


So HERE is a sawfish Onchopristis dunklei tooth...for real this time! 


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Sea Creature Saturday!  Although I'd say 99% of my fossils stuff is sea creature, really....

I posted these in another thread about Seastar ossicles....I had fun putting together a variety of tiny "terminal" ends of starfish arms. It's odd how I find many of the ends, but few of the ossicles in some spots and many ossicles but no terminals 





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And the Fossil Forum is BACK!!! YAY!!!  Let's Shellabrate Shall We?


Some Eocene Fossils from the Weches Formation Texas 




Buccitriton texanum




Conomitra texana



Coronia genitiva 



Eucheilodon reticulata 












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Monday Micros! (although, really, most days are micro for me...)


A nice little full set of tiny crab claws on a Pyrite base. It's like a little sculpture

Texas Cretaceous Del Rio Formation




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Almost Forgot Weird Wednesday, and it's actually Thursday morning, but early enough that I still count it as Wednesday.


Crinoid Bits are always one of the weirder things to find...natures architecture










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All Fossil Friday! 

Sometimes Mother Nature just gifts you and sometimes makes DANG sure you see it! It was earlier this summer and already getting hot, but I usually go up to Austin hours earlier for our Paleo Society meetings (because traffic is HORRIFIC) so I usually go to Shoal Creek and poke around a bit. But like I said, it was already in the 100s in May so I just went down to get some Micro Matrix. But as I was climbing out of the creek, I saw a little area I'd not been to and I ACTUALLY THOUGHT...I'll probably not find anything, but maybe Mother Nature will give me a gift. And BOOM....up high, in an area there usually aren't any fossils, the sunlight was filtering through the leaves and spotlighted this LOVELY little ammonite. It was like YOU WILL NOT MISS THIS FOSSIL! I love those moments....

Ammonite Paracalycoceras crotaloides  Texas Cretaceous



And this was after I found it....a little "photoshoot" with a lovely backdrop before it we went into a drought...


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Gonna be some sporadic fossil posting over the next two weeks....I am in the director of a Street Faire with over 150 vendors, food courts, live music and dance, kid zone and a parade  - so I am just a bit swamped! But here's a fossil because I am up early.


Texas Cretaceous Leptosalenia texana 


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11 hours ago, JamieLynn said:

Texas Cretaceous Leptosalenia texana 

And it’s not even Th’Urchin Thursday.;)

Nice preservation. Love the detail! 

Hopefully your world calms down soon. Though I do wish I was in your neck of the woods to visit the Street Faire. I love that kind of stuff. 

The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.  -Neil deGrasse Tyson


Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't. -Bill Nye (The Science Guy)

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