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Fossils Collection, Are they real & ID


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Sorry for a lot of posts recently 

Cleaning house and have found some in storage

Here are all the ones that were found. Any that can be identified + age, and are any fakes? I'm suspicious of the black trilobite 

I can retake photos if needed, any information would help












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The black trilobite does look like it may be a cast of a Cambrian Elrathia kingii from Utah, but it may just be coated with something since they are quite common.

The fish are real and look like a pair of Knightia eocaena, Eocene aged from Wyoming.

The Devonian Goniatites and Orthoceras from Morocco look real.

The large trilobites may be composites, but are real trilobites and are from the Ordovician of Morocco. They could be Flexicalymene ouzregui or Colpocoryphe grandis a photo of each of their pygidiums (tails) would determine which one it is.

I also see real mosasaur and shark teeth from Morocco.

The light colored ammonites may have carved whorls, I can't tell.

The iridescent ammonite looks like it may be from the Cretaceous of Madagascar, and is real.

The echinoid looks real but I don't know where it's from.

And no clue on the brachiopod but I'm pretty sure its real.


Looks like a nice collection of stuff from all over the world.

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“If fossils are not "boggling" your mind then you are simply not doing it right” -Ken (digit)

"No fossil is garbage, it´s just not completely preserved” -Franz (FranzBernhard)

"With hammer in hand, the open horizon of time, and dear friends by my side, what can we not accomplish together?" -Kane (Kane)

"We are in a way conquering time, reuniting members of a long lost family" -Quincy (Opabinia Blues)

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@Top Trilo here are the tails

And thank you 
also would there be any way to check if coating or completely cast black trilobite?
and to test if the white ammonites are carved?

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Maybe a picture of the underside of the Elrathia would settle it, although I’d be surprised if it were a cast and not real. They are often called the most common trilobite in the world. 

Edited by ClearLake
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The difference is whether or not the pygidial flanks are smooth.

Its a bit hard to see, but the middle one and right one in the last image both look smooth so are C. grandi. The image doesn't show the left one very well.

If the trilobite and matrix are the same color its a cast, but if they are different it could still just be painted. Can you show an image of the bottom, that may help to see if the matrix looks "rock" like.

As far as the ammonites, its typically the very inner whorls that are carved and that's easiest to see when you have the specimen in hand, or if you have some way of looking at it under magnification, it may be easier.


This one for example, you can see how the center has straight white lines meaning its carved whereas the outside looks much more natural.

Edited by Top Trilo
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“If fossils are not "boggling" your mind then you are simply not doing it right” -Ken (digit)

"No fossil is garbage, it´s just not completely preserved” -Franz (FranzBernhard)

"With hammer in hand, the open horizon of time, and dear friends by my side, what can we not accomplish together?" -Kane (Kane)

"We are in a way conquering time, reuniting members of a long lost family" -Quincy (Opabinia Blues)

"I loved reading the trip reports, I loved the sharing, I loved the educational aspect, I loved the humor. It felt like home. It still does" -Mike (Pagurus)

“The best deal I ever got was getting accepted as a member on The Fossil Forum. Not only got an invaluable pool of knowledge, but gained a loving family as well.” -Doren (caldigger)

"it really is nice, to visit the oasis that is TFF" -Tim (fossildude19)

"Life's Good! -Adam (Tidgy's Dad)

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@Top Trilo @ClearLake

Here is the trilobite top and bottom


This is as zoomed as I can go on my phone for the Ammonites  

If its not enough I can try and use my camera 


Thank you all

I didn't ask before but is it possible to identify the shark teeth? Sorry for not asking earlier 






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Trilobite is real, its just coated with something.

I see no signs of carving on the ammonites so they're clear too.

I don't know Moroccan shark teeth very well, so can't I.D. them but someone else probably could. 

  • I Agree 2

“If fossils are not "boggling" your mind then you are simply not doing it right” -Ken (digit)

"No fossil is garbage, it´s just not completely preserved” -Franz (FranzBernhard)

"With hammer in hand, the open horizon of time, and dear friends by my side, what can we not accomplish together?" -Kane (Kane)

"We are in a way conquering time, reuniting members of a long lost family" -Quincy (Opabinia Blues)

"I loved reading the trip reports, I loved the sharing, I loved the educational aspect, I loved the humor. It felt like home. It still does" -Mike (Pagurus)

“The best deal I ever got was getting accepted as a member on The Fossil Forum. Not only got an invaluable pool of knowledge, but gained a loving family as well.” -Doren (caldigger)

"it really is nice, to visit the oasis that is TFF" -Tim (fossildude19)

"Life's Good! -Adam (Tidgy's Dad)

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Thank you for everything
is there a good way to remove paint, or is it better to leave as is?
not a big deal but might as well ask

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9 minutes ago, Trilobit said:

Thank you for everything
is there a good way to remove paint, or is it better to leave as is?
not a big deal but might as well ask


You could try using acetone to remove the paint.  

Professional fossil preparation services at Red Dirt Fossils, LLC.  https://reddirtfossils.com/

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The fossil next to the black trilobite in the first picture looks very similar to a Devonian-age ammonite I have. Though I’ve got no evidence to back this up.

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The brown circle in the first image looks like another Moroccan Devonian goniatite, same as the black ones. If you search "fossil goniatite button" you will see many more with similar colors.

“If fossils are not "boggling" your mind then you are simply not doing it right” -Ken (digit)

"No fossil is garbage, it´s just not completely preserved” -Franz (FranzBernhard)

"With hammer in hand, the open horizon of time, and dear friends by my side, what can we not accomplish together?" -Kane (Kane)

"We are in a way conquering time, reuniting members of a long lost family" -Quincy (Opabinia Blues)

"I loved reading the trip reports, I loved the sharing, I loved the educational aspect, I loved the humor. It felt like home. It still does" -Mike (Pagurus)

“The best deal I ever got was getting accepted as a member on The Fossil Forum. Not only got an invaluable pool of knowledge, but gained a loving family as well.” -Doren (caldigger)

"it really is nice, to visit the oasis that is TFF" -Tim (fossildude19)

"Life's Good! -Adam (Tidgy's Dad)

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Agree that the trilobytes are too common for it to be likely anyone would fake them.


Ammonites are another matter, though it's more common for them to be "enhanced" than outright fabricated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ammonites are Jurassic age Perisphinctes sp from Madagascar. I see them commonly enough whenever in wholesale shows, and I see no evidence to indicate their being carved to enhance them. Their shell tends to be fragile, and unlike the ammonite cast counterparts from Morocco that are commonly carved, Perisphinctes simply wouldn’t stand up to carving due to their delicacy. Like the Flexicalymene, their commonness usually gives no cause to be faked. 

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