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The Daily Fossil Record

Bobby Rico

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That’s it for and today thanks for spending time looking at my collection. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday. 

Cheers Bobby 

My finest

Cnemidopyge Nuda Ordovician. Llandrindod Wells, Wales.


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Another just pot luck choice from my collection 


Sorthoceras sociale (fossil nautiloid) (Elgin Member, Maquoketa Formation, Upper Ordovician; Graf, Iowa, USA)

Isorthoceras sociale (Hall in Miller, 1877) - fossil nautiloid from the Ordovician of Iowa, USA.


I just read that this species is also known as Dolorthoceras sociale.

This beauty was given to me by the legendary






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Glad your wife didn't make you put it in the garbage. Give her my best wishes. 



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3 minutes ago, minnbuckeye said:

Glad your wife didn't make you put it in the garbage. Give her my best wishes

Haha not garbage but treasure. Give your wife our best .


cheers Bobby 

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Nummulites laevigatus,

Palaeogene sediments, which comprise the  Bracklesham Group (Eocene). 46 million years old.

Nummulites laevigatus (named from the Latin for “small coin”). These fossils are the shells of foraminifera – single-celled organisms that are normally microscopic in size and build themselves elaborate shells of calcium carbonate 





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More from Bracklesham Bay.

Lutetian, Eocene - Upper Bracklesham Beds, Hampshire, England 

Striatolamia Sp


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Ok I just ID this damaged vertebra , I found this in the 90s. 

Palaeophis typhaeus

Palaeophis was a large, aquatic snake . 

Bracklesham Bay.

Lutetian, Eocene - UpperBracklesham Beds, Hampshire, England





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  • 2 weeks later...

A little repair to this Palaeophis typhaeus vertebra.


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At the risk of repeating myself, there are some lovely specimens there, Bobby. 

Love the :trilo: Cedaria in particular and the Bracklesham stuff brings back fond memories, 

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Life's Good!

Tortoise Friend.


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@Bobby Rico


Very nice. 


I am fascinated by extant snakes. 

And have added a few vertebrae to my collection. Will be posting them on my thread in due course

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MOTM.png.61350469b02f439fd4d5d77c2c69da85.png.a47e14d65deb3f8b242019b3a81d8160.png MotM August 2023 - Eclectic Collector

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1 hour ago, Tidgy's Dad said:

At the risk of repeating myself

Thanks Adam you’re not repeating yourself just restoring what has gone missing from my thread.

Cheers Bobby 

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1 hour ago, Yoda said:

I am fascinated by extant snakes.

Found in the 1990’s I have a lot of Eocene stuff that’s been boxed up for years. I am just sorting it out now. Cheers Bobby 

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Just fun a set of nesting dolls of Volutospina luctator

Middle Barton Beds. The small fossil I have on display is here. 



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32 minutes ago, grandpa said:

Still loving those gastropods of the Eocene you've collected!

Thank you grandpa I did lose some posts in the “fossil forum triangle “ I will repost them soon.   Cheers Bobby 

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This is a pretty nice Neoathleta mutatus, Upper Bracklesham Beds , New Forest. 




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Taken with a Macro lens 8mm. Volutocorbis lima, New Forest. Very rare





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Clavilithes scalaris
(Lamarck 1816) 


Middle -Upper  Barton Beds. Sg



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Myliobatis dixoni
Eagle Ray dentitions. 

Bracklesham Bay.

Lutetian, Eocene - UpperBracklesham Beds, Hampshire, England


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Crenaturricula attenuata 


Bracklesham Beds ,Eocene epoc


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Bit ugly but I quite like them. Eocene epoch

Xenophora schroeteri
(Gmelin 1791)


Upper  Barton Beds. Sg



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?Eoconus edwardsi
Upper Bracklesham Beds, Hampshire, England





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Ray tail-spine 
Bracklesham Beds, Hampshire, England





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 Admetula ytenensis

Upper Bracklesham Beds, Hampshire, England. 


A sturdy shell usually found intact. 10mm juveniles. 






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