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You'll Never See One Of These Again....

Guest Smilodon

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Guest Smilodon

From a dealer friend's website - www.fossilsonline.com

post-2027-12686154283092_thumb.jpg post-2027-12686154529818_thumb.jpg post-2027-12686154702853_thumb.jpg

Process of elimination = the false sabercat Dinofelis paleoonca

Never reported from Florida - this fossil comes from Sarasota Co. The animal was about the size of a jaguar. It had sabers - but not extremely extended ones and they were not serrated.

I'm on my 2nd shamwow :blink: :money: and am highly jealous (we need a new emoticon that says "me want".

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Nice!!! i want! :)

" We're all puppets, I'm just a puppet who can see the strings. "

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I Googled Dinofelis paleoonca for my own edification. Wow!

According to Wikipedia ( My link ), there are three specimens known (TX & WA).

No wonder you're ripping through the Shamwows.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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The recent floods here in Sarasota were actually from my drooling, sorry. I will have to set myself to finding its partner tooth. Thanks for sharing!


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Guest Smilodon

I only learned of this fossil's availability after it sold, so I didn't have the opportunity to even consider it.

However, in my Tucson 2010's report I alluded to the third jewel in my Tucson Triple Crown. Massive archaeocete tooth, Cave lion jaw, and ........ Well I am told that "it" shipped out today from Florida. I'm not gonna give it away, but let me tell you, if "it" and Dinofelis had lived at the same time. "It" would have kicked Dinofelis's you-know-what. Man, I cannot wait to show you.

Florida Forum friends will especially appreciate it. (and weep, weep, I tell you) :P

Edited by Smilodon
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Smilodon....Very Nice...... :D .... can't wait to see the latest aquisitions...

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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Probably plio/pleisto

I googled this species and found a slightly humorous error that I guess originated on Wikipedia, and then was repeated on a couple of other websites. They said the cat was from the Eocene from 4.1 mya to 1 mya. They got the time period right, but not the name of the epoch.

Someone needs to go back and edit the wikipedia entry.

The Pliocene was about (depending on academic opinions) from 5 mya-2 mya.

The Eocene was from 55 mya-33 mya.

Big difference!

I consulted The Big Cats and their fossil relatives by Alan Turner. Dinofelis paleoonca is only mentioned twice. Basically, the only info was that it was a Pliocene cat from North America that is poorly known.

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