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Hey all! I’ve got a really strange piece I’d love to get identified. It’s owned by my school, and I’m trying to help identify things that don’t have ids so they can be cataloged. Any help is appreciated!


It’s out of Kleburg county which has a lot of Pleistocene Beaumont formation. Mammals are pretty far out of what I know. I didn’t have much time to take these photos, and didn’t see a chewing surface. (Granted I only had a couple seconds to take a photo, I had to run to my next class)


Thank you!

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1 hour ago, Harry Pristis said:

Images are inadequate for ID.  I think your auto-focus was confused by the multiple levels in the image.

Gotcha, I will see if I can get some more time to get photos with my actual camera instead of my phone. I will have more time later this week to take photos. 
thanks for looking though

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@Harry Pristis

Again, these were taken with my phone as opposed to the normal camera I use. I’ll be able to take camera photos in a few weeks. However, hopefully these photos are more useful. Scale wise, the piece is about 7/8” or 2.2 cm long. 

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Here is my advice for producing better images:

Do you have editing software that came with your camera or with your scanner? Use the image-editing software (or download shareware from the Internet).

You can be as creative as you want to be with the editing software, but the following basic things will improve anyone's images:

GROUP IMAGES of more than a few fossils are not effective. The more individual fossils in an image, the greater the amount of table-top is in the image. Viewers cannot see the details of a fossil that might take up less than five percent of the total image. Photograph a single fossil (or two or three, if they're tiny), and post that image.


DON'T OBSCURE details of the fossil by pinching it between your fingers. If you want to use fingers to provide scale, support the fossil from below ... that is, on top of your fingers. To improve the focus, rest your hand with the fossil on a stable surface like a table or desk.


SCALE is important.  Provide measurements of your fossil in millimeters and inches for the widest audience.  Don't use a coin for scale; there are many foreign subscribers who don't know your coin's size.


LIGHT IT UP. Use as much ambient light as possible to reduce shadows...two light sources are a minimum. Eliminate yellowed images caused by tungsten filament bulbs by switching to the new compact flourescent bulbs. CFLs come in a "daylight" (6500K) version that you can use in any (non-dimming) fixture and produce very little heat. Some LEDs produce a near-daylight effect.


ELIMINATE SHADOWS by elevating the fossil on a glass or colorless plastic stage a couple of inches above the background. Illuminate the fossil AND THE BACKGROUND in this configuration. There are numerous things around the house to use for this purpose, from scrap window-glass to disposable plastic food/drink containers.

BRIGHTEN AND CONTRAST. BRIGHTEN the image until the fossil appears slightly washed, then adjust the CONTRAST until the fossil is bright and sharp and is a good color-match. Practice this until you get a feel for it.

CROP, CROP, CROP. Again, use the image-editing software to crop the image to only what is pertinent. Leave only a narrow margin around the fossil. The more of your kitchen counter-top in the image, the smaller the fossil image will be.

REDUCE THE FILE SIZE. The images directly from a camera may be too large for posting directly to a forum, or you may be severely limited in the number of images you can post. You can constrain the proportions of your image to produce exactly the size that works best (I routinely use 700 Kb - 1.0 Mb for my images now). I save in JPEG format.

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What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Thank you for this info! As I’ve said, my issue has been that I’m having to use my (very old) phone camera for these photos, and not the typical camera I use for fossil photography. It’s in a locked classroom, in a locked cabinet, and I don’t have access to it but it very random chances where faculty happen to be able to open it, and I had just gotten out of my math exam, so I did not have my camera with me :P 

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