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What type of mammal florida tooth?

Ethan J3

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Im thinking this is probably a deer tooth since it doesn't look too fossilized. I was also thinking possibly camel or rhino since they look similar but im pretty bad at ID’ing mammal teeth. The other item is fossilized and looks like a broken piece of bone, but im not sure. 






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Nice finds. 2nd looks like a fragment of a dugong bone/rib. Many of them are so dense/silica rich that they show a conchoidal fracture pattern/very sharp edges when they get broken. If you look close at your specimen I think I can see parallel lines around the edge--showing some of the growth rings that are diagnostic. Here's one I have that I pounded on just to see what it looked like inside and a picture from the UFNatHist site showing the banding..



Continued hunting success.

Regards, Chris 

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