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Guest Smilodon

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Guest Smilodon

Okay, you are vying for an "Attaboy" or a virtual box of rocks - your choice (we're still back ordered on the rocks.) Sorry, but going to need genus and species for full credit.

post-2027-12691204733454_thumb.jpg post-2027-12691204905463_thumb.jpg

Early Pleistocene


Shouldn't be too hard unless some smarty jumps the gun.

Ready, Set, Go!

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Guest Smilodon

Some sort of felid, panther?

Hmmm. You are in the ballpark, Anson. But it's a rather large ballpark and such a small tooth. :)

Edit: Besides, paraphrasing Ogden Nash - If it's a panther, I won't anther

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Okay, you are vying for an "Attaboy" or a virtual box of rocks - your choice (we're still back ordered on the rocks.) Sorry, but going to need genus and species for full credit.

post-2027-12691204733454_thumb.jpg post-2027-12691204905463_thumb.jpg

Early Pleistocene


Shouldn't be too hard unless some smarty jumps the gun.

Ready, Set, Go!

Is it a bobcat premolar? They have small teeth like that.

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Puma yagouaroundi? Wild guess and I'm not sure if the genus is correctly Leopardus, but it probably doesn't matter because I'm probably wrong.

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Guest Smilodon

Puma yagouaroundi? Wild guess and I'm not sure if the genus is correctly Leopardus, but it probably doesn't matter because I'm probably wrong.

It's 9:00 east coast time so here is a little hint (there will be a real one at midnight)

ss and TG, again, you are also in the ballpark but you have been assigned to left field, way out in left field. That sure is a small tooth isn't it?

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Leopardus wiedii (Margay)...I really don't have the time to do any research right now, so I'll keep throwing out wild guesses since no one else is.

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Guest Smilodon

Phoenix steps up to the plate. Here's the pitch. He swings and sends a deep fly to left center. It looks like it's gonna be OUTTA HE.. Oh no, it's caught by the centerfielder.

"Coach, what do you have to say?"

"Well, Johnny, Sad to say but, Megantereon cultridens never made it to Florida.

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Guest Smilodon

xenosmilus hodsonae? lol.

Xenosmilus hodsonae, you say? That's an awfully big critter for such a small tooth.

btw - a really funny story about Xenosmilus in the post game wrap up.

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Guest Smilodon

Phoenix has provided the opportunity for a good clue. Consider a clue given in my answer. I'll see you all in the morning whenever I get up and all will be revealed. :zoro:

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Guest Smilodon

Megantereon hesperus then.

Continuing the analogy, TG sends a deep one to left, and it IS outta here, but the left fielder leaps, reaches over the fence, catches the ball, and brings it back into play. So close.

"What do you have to say, Coach"

"Well, Johnny, TG was so close, but Megantereon hesperus, was a Pliocene beast."

I'm going out for some bagels - see ya in a while

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Wax on, wane off :rolleyes:

Megantereon nihowanensis :D

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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Guest Smilodon

Smilodon gracilis or a turtle tooth.

TG, you, finally, DA MAN!!!

Turtle tooth? Right you are! JK JK :P

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wow, I guess I was bound to eventually get it. I didn't think its teeth would be that small. How big was Smilodon Gracilis' skull? Or, even better, how big was Smilodon Gracilis?

I think I'm going to make myself a virtual box of rocks...

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Guest Smilodon

While I don't require you to show your work, with some of those species you all threw out, I know you cracked a book or googled around. That's good enough for me.

"Teaching moment" ***warning*** -

Collectors tend to think of the Pleistocene as pretty much unchanging until the megafauna died off. It may have only lasted less than 2 million years, but plenty changed besides the great die-off.

1 - Megantereon is believed to be the Pliocene ancestor of the big late Pleistocene Sabercat Smilodon fatalis (floridanus, californicus) that everyone knows from La Brea. Some have even heard of Smilodon populator from South America - the largest Sabercat that ever lived. But there was a third Smilodon, Smilodon gracilis that only appears in North America in the early Pleistocene and then goes extinct before it is over.

2 - Big teeth come only from big critters. Little teeth can come from big critters too.

You guys seemed to have fun. I did too. We'll do it again someday. :D

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Guest Smilodon

wow, I guess I was bound to eventually get it. I didn't think its teeth would be that small. How big was Smilodon Gracilis' skull? Or, even better, how big was Smilodon Gracilis?

I think I'm going to make myself a virtual box of rocks...

As the species name implies, it was gracile = slender/less robust. I've seen sabers, verts, and limbbones - looks to be roughly 15-20% smaller than fatalis and less robust. Plus, S. fatalis does not retain that premolar.

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