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Stone like tooth ?


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Hi im new to the forum

My son and found this out fossil hunting it looks like a giant tooth. It was about 100 meter above sea level in a drained dam 


Its real heavy for the size of it

Any ideas????????









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Sorry, don't think its a tooth. No enamel for one thing. And no real tooth morphology. The shape is definitely suggestive of one. Looks like solid piece of stone. 

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Thanks every1. Found in northern Ireland there was a lot of big white rocks I think is limestone beside it.... Tooth like stone hahaha I was sure it was tooth 

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No tooth, but do not throw away. This could also be a (limonite) concretion (similar to Mazon Creek or Shropshire concretions) that formed around a fossil. You would have to break the concretion and see what is inside.

Be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them crimes (Confucius, 551 BC - 479 BC).

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5 hours ago, Pav123 said:

Tooth like stone hahaha I was sure it was tooth

Don't worry, every single person here has done exactly the same (and if they say they haven't they're lying :D)

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