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Peace River Fossil ID long shot


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Hi there. Looks like you have a bunch of the usual interesting/cool finds from around here-congrats! I'll take a stab at ID's since noone else has thus far. You really need to number specimens or break the large group into smaller bunches cause its tough to figure out how to refer to individual specimens with this many photos.  I may or may not have figured out how many items you actually have--its getting late here so I'll see what I can do. I defer to others who have more knowledge of bones and teeth for those specific ID's.


1) Small pebble/matrix with invertebrate impressions/casts/molds. Maybe a bryozoan and probably barnacle. 

2) Tooth, possibly gator may need additional/better photos

3) Tooth, incisor

4) Tooth, size makes me think opossum/racoon 

5a) Tooth, partial cow shark

5b) 2nd Tooth in the photo I dont recognize shape/root...fish/dolphin? may need additional/better photos. 

6) Bone, fragment

7) Bone, fragment, skull/nose element, Fish, possibly bonita

8) Coprolite

9) Bone, fragment, jaw with empty tooth sockets

10) Osteoderm, possibly Holmesina

11) Osteoderms, crocodilian

12) Bone, fragment

13) Tooth, whale

14) Tooth, fragment, need chewing surface view if its preserved, maybe horse/camelid

15)? Tooth, fragment, maybe horse  


Hope I've covered all the items and this list helps as a reference for others to ID from.  Nice finds! 

Regards, Chris 



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11 hours ago, Plantguy said:

Hi there. Looks like you have a bunch of the usual interesting/cool finds from around here-congrats! I'll take a stab at ID's since noone else has thus far. You really need to number specimens or break the large group into smaller bunches cause its tough to figure out how to refer to individual specimens with this many photos.  I may or may not have figured out how many items you actually have--its getting late here so I'll see what I can do. I defer to others who have more knowledge of bones and teeth for those specific ID's.


1) Small pebble/matrix with invertebrate impressions/casts/molds. Maybe a bryozoan and probably barnacle. 

2) Tooth, possibly gator may need additional/better photos

3) Tooth, incisor

4) Tooth, size makes me think opossum/racoon 

5a) Tooth, partial cow shark

5b) 2nd Tooth in the photo I dont recognize shape/root...fish/dolphin? may need additional/better photos. 

6) Bone, fragment

7) Bone, fragment, skull/nose element, Fish, possibly bonita

8) Coprolite

9) Bone, fragment, jaw with empty tooth sockets

10) Osteoderm, possibly Holmesina

11) Osteoderms, crocodilian

12) Bone, fragment

13) Tooth, whale

14) Tooth, fragment, need chewing surface view if its preserved, maybe horse/camelid

15)? Tooth, fragment, maybe horse  


William,  You should thank Chris for building this list. I would be unlikely to comment unless Chris had plowed the trail...


i think #s 3 and 4 are likely modern, not fossil... 

5b is very interesting.  I do not recognize it.. Due to the striations on the enamel, I agree that dolphin may be a good 1st suggestion.


# 6 is likely a metapodial... toe bone

# 13 is very similar to some whale teeth I have acquired from STH ... and seen from bone valley... Many different identifications but likely the same tooth .. a small posterior from Scaldicetus.  If this is whale, I am amazed that you found it in the Peace River... You can judge for yourself.




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The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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On 3/19/2022 at 2:47 AM, Williamrockstead said:

Thank yall very much for the help !

Just now I ran across this PDF looking for something else.

Isthminia panamensis, a new fossil inioid (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Chagres Formation of Panama and the evolution of ‘river dolphins’ in the Americas.

A photo from the paper.  The teeth look somewhat familiar to what you found...


The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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