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Hello,  I’m trying to identify this specimen. It was found in San Juan Cty UT in an area where petrified wood is common.  The left end (large end) appears to be where a stem attached. There is a seam the full length. It looks like a large petrified seed pod. 
The specimen was broken. I attached pic of broken end. 






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Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I would think that this is much too large to be a seed pod and would guess that it's a piece of weathered petrified wood.

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Greetings from the Lake of Constance. Roger


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Yup. Has all of the signs of a weathered piece of pet wood. Don't let the overall ellipsoid shape fool you into thinking otherwise. ;)


Cool find--I love pet wood!






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The black color and the obliteration of any woody interior structure makes me think of phosphatized wood like these Florida pieces replaced by apatite:









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What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Thanks for the replies. When I found it I thought weathered petrified wood. Later I could see features that made me wonder if it was something more. 
I’m good with weathered pet wood. It makes an interesting piece sitting on my desk. 

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