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What are these Crystallized fossils found in Mountain Home, Tx???


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Alright family, majority of my life as a child I used to be apart of a ranch as a worker than a guide with my brother and father. The name of the Ranch before Mr. Taylor died was the the Double TT Ranch located 5 mile down the road for the YO ranch in mountain home TX, Mr. Taylor was our boss and owner of the ranch and gave us permission to take rocks and shedded antler, one of the benefits of working on the ranch forever. during our time here before the ranch was sold  we used to find tons of these Crystallized Rocks at different parts of the ranch I have buckets and buckets of them. now that I'm getting older I started looking for information on what we were picking up. I talked with an individual that graded our crystals and the solidity of them are right under diamond as far as hardness. now after doing research The only thing I can conclude is since we find a lot of sea shells imprinted within our rock is that these used to be highly carbonated humongous tube-worms form the per historic era.. that are now crystallized. I've been told that when the meteor hit that killed the dinosaurs a splash ring of highly heated mass of rock and critters made it this far and are now crystallized from the heat and time.... I have no idea and would like to know if anyone has answers on this matter???? Ive attached a few pick and can send more.



















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  • Collinsishome changed the title to What are these Crystallized fossils found in Mountain Home, Tx???



Someone more local than me can hopefully give you more detail on the formation of these crystals and identity of fossils.


The rocks of Kerr County are mostly Cretaceous, so contemporary with dinosaurs. Texas was part of a shallow tropical sea during the Late Cretaceous called the Western Interior Seaway. 


When the asteroid hit, it would definitely have sent molten rock, earthquakes and tsunamis to Texas. The liquid rock fell as small spheres called spherules. 


I don't think the impact formed these crystals. Crystals like these normally form slowly over time as water rich in minerals fills voids in rock such as those within shells after the animal decays. 


Most of the rock in Kerr County is early Cretaceous, long before the impact, and you can find out more here about the geology:



For IDs of individual fossils, it's best to include a ruler in the picture, preferably with an international scale, and show lots of angles. 




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The answer to many of your finds are Caprinid rudists.  They are well known in the formations you collected these.  Great examples.  


Check out the slice movies here.



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Beautiful examples of silicate mineral deposits in the endless cavities within the rudist reef.  You found really nice examples.

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20 minutes ago, Lone Hunter said:

So even the 4th set of pictures which looks kinda like bone is rudist? 


Yes.  Rudists in varying degrees of cross section and erosion.  Their bizarre curved, twisted singular, or grouped chambers create all kinds of suggestive forms.



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The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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2 hours ago, JohnJ said:

The answer to many of your finds are Caprinid rudists.  They are well known in the formations you collected these.  Great examples.  


Check out the slice movies here.




Again, study the images and movies in this link.  ;)

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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and this dark green brownish crystallized mineral didnt not find much of it at all on the ranch but found a couple pieces 






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3 minutes ago, Collinsishome said:

These are just a few of the pieces .. do they have a value?


We only give a general scientific, non-commercial value.


Realize how cool your rudists are; they are strange bivalves.

Edited by DPS Ammonite
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8 minutes ago, Collinsishome said:

These are just a few of the pieces .. do they have a value?



5 minutes ago, DPS Ammonite said:

We only give a general scientific non commercial value.


Realize how cool your rudists are; they are strange bivalves.


As mentioned, we do not offer valuations on the Forum.  


The last brownish crystals are gorgeous examples of calcite.

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The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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