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Juvenile Mammoth teeth partials


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These are listed online as Juvenile mammoth teeth partials, are they? 


Edited by p1p
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As Harry noted above, the taxonomy is correct. I'm iffy about the term "juvenile" for these though. They are only partial plates from much larger teeth. You can search for juvenile mammoth teeth here on the forum (and the wider inter-webber-net) and you'll see some pretty tiny teeth from juveniles. Adolescent? Perhaps. Juvenile? They seem a bit too big for that. Possibly, the seller is indicating "juvenile" to make up for the fact that they are quite small fragments of much larger teeth. That might give someone this (mistaken) impression that juvenile teeth are only this big.


Here are some topics showing actual 'baby' mammoth teeth. I think you'll note the difference:












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Great imagery as always, Harry.


This adds to the evidence of what actual juvenile mammoth teeth look like. ;)






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