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Dimetrodon Update 2


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Hi gang, checking in for another field update. Very brutal today, temperatures were in the 70's but the winds were in the 40 mph range and really beat us down. We made some pretty good advances in the quarry as well as discovering yet another new Dimetrodon a few days ago. The new guy is a massive D. grandis species with (so far) a complete neck that even includes the intercentrum between the first cervical and the skull. This is pretty rare and a first for us. Two of his long neural spines are exposed, one reaching almost five feet in length and the other still partially buried under the blocky red claystone. My big find in the last few days was a complete Diplocaulus specimen fully articulated. The boomerang skull has drifted from the main torso by only a few cm. All vertebrae are still articulated perfectly at the joints, as well as the tail, another first for us. About a year ago we discovered a partial diplo in a jacket, that was not articulated. That one represented maybe 30 to 40 percent. This one is without a doubt 100 percent. Hopefully with this specimen we will be re-writing the paper on this species as it may be the best and most complete of its kind. Pretty cool. And once again, I unfortunately cannot download my pics until I get home in a week, so hold on... Other news, more neural spines and verts at the main site representing a few disarticulated individuals. Lots of chewed bits and shed Dimetrodon teeth and fangs. Quite the buffet line. What else what else. Had a bad spider bite on the knee and infected the muscles. Kinda scary but luckily it wasn't anybody lethal. Very sore leg now.

More later,


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...This one is without a doubt 100 percent. Hopefully with this specimen we will be re-writing the paper on this species as it may be the best and most complete of its kind. Pretty cool...

Pretty cool indeed! Congratulations!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Can't wait to see the pics!



Geologists on the whole are inconsistent drivers. When a roadcut presents itself, they tend to lurch and weave. To them, the roadcut is a portal, a fragment of a regional story, a proscenium arch that leads their imaginations into the earth and through the surrounding terrain. - John McPhee

If I'm going to drive safely, I can't do geology. - John McPhee

Check out my Blog for more fossils I've found: http://viewsofthemahantango.blogspot.com/

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Awesome can't wait for pics. What kinda spider was it? Sounds like a pretty nasty bite.

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My big find in the last few days was a complete Diplocaulus specimen fully articulated. The boomerang skull has drifted from the main torso by only a few cm. All vertebrae are still articulated perfectly at the joints, as well as the tail, another first for us. About a year ago we discovered a partial diplo in a jacket, that was not articulated. That one represented maybe 30 to 40 percent. This one is without a doubt 100 percent. Hopefully with this specimen we will be re-writing the paper on this species as it may be the best and most complete of its kind. Pretty cool.

Wayyy cool! I'll bet this is one of the things you love most about your job. :P

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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