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Fossil hunting is easy -- they don't run away when you shoot at them!

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Thanks Lads, I thought it was closed but couldn't remember passwords or email etc.  So signed up again to share some updates, as it was only here I had ever gotten replies which I appreciated. I'll laugh my parts off it is just a pebble that disintegrated into another shape, or not the thing I lost in the first place???? Already queried and everything aligns and matches with precision but without someone with knowledge even agrees that it there is a possibility it is not just a pebble, then I am still just holding a very very well imagined pebble.. Hee. 


Nice one, just nice to have somewhere to hopefully open up to debate, critical thinking and if proved to be a pebble, then may some talking therapy..... it still is a fairly interesting looking pebble all the same. 



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1 minute ago, Ludwigia said:

Nice pebble(s) and colorful sometimes too. Looks like you're having your fun at any rate.

What's the story Ludwigia, and thanks for the reply. It's wrecking me head. All the photos bar/apart from the very last photo are of the 1 pebble. The very last photo on the thread is just 6 items I brought back from the beach that day, there were many more!!! Thanks Ludwigia & Co. 


Also see attached other pebbles from that day. When I went back early the next morning to the same spot I could hardly find anything, apart from larger and other stones further away from where the water reached. Tides don't surprise me, but the beach was a flurry of stones the length and breadth of how far the eye could see the day before, so I had nothing to buzz off really the next morning.. 


Thanks for any replies lads, I do appreciate it. 

Screenshot_20210508-180848_3D Viewer~3.jpg


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Lots of pebbles. :)


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"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

John Muir ~ ~ ~ ~   ><))))( *>  About Me      

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You have a lot of time on your hands I would say.  :)  I really enjoyed the story and all the images of pebbles,  so many pebbles, so many pebble stories, I lost track of what exactly your seeking answer to? :wacko:  I think I see 2 different stones, and if your wondering if it, or they, are reptile related fossils pretty sure that's a no.

Edited by Lone Hunter
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I gotta admit you lost me. I read and re read your original post and I can’t get a grasp on what you’re asking. Or proposing. Could you give a short, concise thesis if there is one? Or a short concise question if not?

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While on a hike, I once received what a scientific, logical mind would call a concretion.  I tried to break it open with a sledge hammer.  No joy.  I then thought about having it sawn open.  But then I was moved to take it about 700 miles to a spot and bury it.  I did as I was "told".  End of story.  Or is it?

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Sooo, that's a different take from original story.  So many questions,  who did you receive it from? Who told you it was a concretion?  Most important who told you to bury it 700 miles away? Let's start there. Oh wait, got more confused, didn't realize that was an interpretation.  Don't think it really matters :wacko:

Edited by Lone Hunter
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Good morning all. I know it was long and confusing, but the story is nonsense, though I'd share. 


To clarify. I found the stone last year. It was in soil for a year. When I put it in the soil it looked one way ( see photo 1)


When I found it again it looked like the second photo.


Lads it is the same thing. So I am really more than willing to take advice and try to solve this regardless of outcome. 


It's been over a year trying to solve it. I didn't bother people again until I had more on it. I feel I may have enough to re-open a conversation on it and truly would appreciate help, with a bit of craic along the way. 


Thank you all.







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All the photos I posted apart from a couple are all the same pebble, different sections of it and 3d scanned images of the inside and outside of it. All the 1 pebble though. Just for clarification purposes.



Screenshot_20210508-151348_3D Viewer~2.jpg


Screenshot_20210508-151348_3D Viewer.jpg






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  • JohnJ unlocked this topic
11 hours ago, Poor Richard said:

Hi all my name is Richard, A.K.A "the fella with the pebble"!


Not sure if I posted on this or another forum, but wherever it was I received some replies and then the thread got closed because to whomever that decided, decided I had, had my answer..... 




Richard, you were extended great patience and offered good advice the first time you posted this stone.  Given that you seem to have dismissed those suggestions, I can see how it might be "wrecking" your head.  


My advice is still the same...Go to the same place and pick up several other pieces of chalcedony and flint. Then, expose them to the same scrutiny you've given this piece.


I have merged your old topic with this one.

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The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Morning John. Is it normal for chalcedony and flint to erode over the space of a year and reveal whats beneath?  

Give me advice on how to truly either prove or disprove. The 3d scan reveals the same patterns on both the original stone and all matchbox exactly to what came out of the soil a few days ago. More than just a coincidence...identical. 


I have spent a year trying to prove it is just a pebble, but it keeps saying it is something else, it's stubborn!!!


So what do you need from me that I can do with little knowledge to sort this once and for all?


Thanks for the reply John. 


I don't have the time now to do better photos, but here is an image of the original pebble over what came back from the soil. No matter what way I do it, they are one in the same. Exactly the same slight variation in angles but I have more precise ones. . I'm trying. 



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Think you dug up a different rock.  It did not transform into something different in one years time.  What do think it is other than a rock?

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Okay all, I am currently on a break from a work meeting. I know I have been making light as it is just as random to me. So later this evening I will cut out the filtered photos and show the pebble to pebble line for line matching each other, or I will fail miserably and own it and thank you all for putting up with me thus far. I just want definitive proof before of it being just a pebble or not. That's all. Thanks all. 

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I would suggest that you take it to your local museum, present it to the resident geologists/paleontologists, let them tell you what it is and believe them. I for one see no sense in participating further in this abstruse exchange.

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Greetings from the Lake of Constance. Roger


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It's a pebble, near full p1 probability.


Science is not about proof, so the approach is not the correct one if the goal is to (dis)prove the identity of an object. Still, probability leans heavily on the side that this is indeed a pebble, and nothing more. I could scoop up a handful of pebbles from the shoreline and no doubt encounter examples that are very interesting for their shape, texture, apparent resemblance, symmetry, etc., but it does not point to the pebble being more than what it is: a tumbled tiny stone. 


It may be time to let this one go. 

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...How to Philosophize with a Hammer



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Hello Richard,

I really like this forum for its friendly and open style. Many people with little experience of fossils come here thinking they have found something extraordinary, from dinosaur embryos to aliens, and very often they are mistaken. Sometimes they really have found something extraordinary, and sometimes its what they thought it was (though no aliens yet). The people here are generally as enthusiastic about those real finds as are the finders.


Regarding your find I can repeat what others said:

-I think this is a pebble of flintlike material with typical concussion marks, showing nice but random patterns.

-Pareidolia is a real effect of every humans perception that does not imply madness, just read the wiki article. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareidolia


I have some points to say that have not been mentioned before, I think:

-If your stone has writing or carving on it, (what I do not believe to be the case) that would be an artifact, and thus a case for an archeologist, not a fossil, which are studied by paleontologists.

-You have emphasized several times that you are eager to learn. I cannot know what kind of spiritual learning you experienced on your journey, but regarding natural sciences, you have kept to your first impression in a way that looks obsessive to me, despite of all the ways you tried o gather new information.

-You did not answer the question what you think your find may be if not a pebble.

The fossil people tell you it is not a fossil. I think the archeologists will tell you that it is no artifact. A geologist can tell you exactly what it is, I think. But maybe you will not believe it.

If this is a project that does you good, go on, If not, maybe ask yourself what would do you good. Do not let this pebble rule your life.

Best Regards,



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Try to learn something about everything and everything about something

Thomas Henry Huxley

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I don't know what it is, but I bet it's a pebble.   It's not "just" a pebble, though.  Not every pebble has caught your attention and imagination.  You could toss it, bury it, put it on a shelf, keep it in your pocket, use it as a worry stone, whatever.  I recommend you put it on a shelf for a year, or two, or ten.  It has time. Let it work on you intead of the other way around.  Patience.

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Thanks Lads, head officially patted. 

No point in posting any more photos as mentioned. Not answering the what I think it is? was just an oversight, not deliberate. I very quickly realised especially after being on here that it was not any sort of artifact, that was put on the shelf, so to speak. 

To answer the question, I think it is a pebble, or some form of snake, reptile, eel head, or larvae or ????? I don't know? So a pebble with a 1% probability of being other than a pebble. That's all. I know its random  how it comes across, but I've said all the way through that I am well aware that it most likely is just a pebble. What's the point in having 100% if we are not willing to acknowledge its whole value. I just thought I had enough to open minds to the possibility, that it may be something else. More fool me but I still do until I am sure 100%. Believe it or not I've learnt loads, from this little pebble, and there's a bit of craic in there also. 


I won't post anymore if nobody is interested in finding out the possibility anything other than the 99% can exist. 


I do, do other things like!!!


But genuinely nice one for the knowledge, advice, frustration, mockery, compassion, and all that jazz. Come on the 1% Hee.


Genuinely thanks though. 






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Absolutely no chance, not even 1% that it is anything other than a pebble.

No larva, reptile, snake or eel head. Go ahead and consider it 100% not a fossil or artifact.  ;)

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"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks."

John Muir ~ ~ ~ ~   ><))))( *>  About Me      

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6 minutes ago, Fossildude19 said:

Absolutely no chance, not even 1% that it is anything other than a pebble.

No larva, reptile, snake or eel head. Go ahead and consider it 100% not a fossil or artifact.  ;)

Are you interested in hearing a reply? Genuinely. 

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