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Last weekend I visited a roadcut in Hadeland, Norway, with rocks from Late Ordovician (Katian) in the Gagnum formation, and cut a rock into two parts with my hammer and found this strange fossile, which also was cut into two. The length of the speciemen is 10-12 mm long. Anyone have an idea of what is can be? The first two pictures is from one of the two parts of the rock, the last tree from the other part. 

















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I'm seeing the cross-section of a gastropod.

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Fossil hunting is easy -- they don't run away when you shoot at them!

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2 hours ago, Mark Kmiecik said:

I'm seeing the cross-section of a gastropod.

Yes, that may be right. I have seen gastropods with straight line structure in the area before, in the next younger Kalvsjøen "gastropod formation". Seems the gastropods in this older formation, at least in the current area, are more rare to find and not so well preserved.


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