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Pennsylvanian fish bit


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I recently found this bit of fish bone in the LaSalle Limestone of Illinois (Upper Pennsylvanian). Measures about 1cm in width. I know that tiny bone bits are tough to identify, but the surface texture on this one seems pretty interesting. I haven't found anything similar before.




The positive is shown above, although I think the negative shows the surface texture better.




Can anything be said about this? @jdp @RCFossils @deutscheben

Thanks for any help.

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I haven’t seen anything like that in my La Salle material, but I have some similarly textured pieces from my black shale site. Unfortunately, I don’t know what they are beyond “fish bone”.

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Actinopt for certain. Beyond that it might be a bit difficult. I'll give this some thought. Meanwhile, @Petalodus12 might have some opinions!

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Looks like it could be a chunk of skull roof, but since its a partial piece the specific bone evades me.  

Hope this helps!

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