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Association With Other Elements.


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I recently went out on a scouting mission to two new construction digs with fossils in mind, I had driven by the areas while they were digging and I saw (from a distance mind you) what looked like coal. Further observations determined that there is a lot of iron in the rock as well.

Iron and coal in my area seems to be two indicators of fossils of a decent preservation. However I've made it a rule of thumb just from experience. At all such sites I've found fossils in a variety of preservation, in all cases these are also from the carboniferous.

So I'm curious about anyone else who finds associations between their fossil finds and the geology which surrounds them. I'm also curious for those who are also hunting the Carboniferous if this rule of thumb also holds true (or mostly true) to them.

P.S. That hunt was a bust. Lots of fossil material but everything was hash plates of carboniferous "mulch". I found only one partial impression of what I believe to be Sigillaria in association with generic fossil wood (probably fern) on the same plate. After some heavy rains and the construction moves rock piles around a bit I'll have another go at the site.

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