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Here are some I haven’t identified yet. The turtle is broken/smooshed on left side. Again, sorry I haven’t followed your rules exactly, but I work too much too be tripping on international rulers. Thanks for your help. It is very appreciated 






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Not seeing any turtles here. I work with fossilized turtles on a near daily basis and I'm not seeing any features that would indicate turtle.


The second item might be something like a burrow cast--it would be useful to see the ends of this cylindrical object.


The third item looks to be some sort of concretion with some interesting highly silicified layers along the outer shell--so something akin to a geode (which are cool mineral formations but not fossils).


Where we these items found? Knowing the location can give clues to the age of the surface rocks in the area.








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From these photos - as presented - I don't see anything I would consider as fossil.

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Fossil hunting is easy -- they don't run away when you shoot at them!

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