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Hi there. 

I have this Triassic tooth from the Bull Canyon formation sold to me a good few years back as belonging to Coelophysis. I'd tentatively labeled it cf.Coelophysis (due to the locality) but now that I'm going through and re-evaluating everything I'm not sure it is an accurate description considering the curvature (though I'm not knowledgeable on ontogenic variation in this genus). I'm aware of a great thread posted by Troodon about this particular area but I'd like some input on the possibility it could belong to other Archosaurian taxa. My knowledge of this area is minimal so I'd appreciate any help. 


I counted about 26 denticles/5mm on both carinae.






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Does not appear to be Coelophysis and probably not dinosaurian.  Not sure you will be able to identify it any closer than an indet archosaur but if anyone can Dr Heckert might be able to give you more insight.  Try emailing him and I've attached his info link.  Unfortunately very little has been published on late Triassic teeth.



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