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Possible Cretaceous Tooth From Denton County Texas


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Found what I suspect is a worn piece of ceraptopsid tooth in the Grayson formation in Denton County Texas about a month ago,

What do yo think?




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We have several members that are much more knowledgeable about the north Texas material, but the Grayson is a marine formation so a ceratopsid is unlikely.  This looks more like a piece of chert to me.

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Thank you both for your expertise and time. Thank you both for your analysis and responses.

I could be wrong that it is from the Grayson formation. The map I looked at is Grayson and Mainstreet undivided and on another map it shows the area to be Woodbine.

I will check with local people in the 'know'. All three formations are mainly marine, but pop up some teresstrial fossils every now and then.

Whichever it is, there is a layer of chert and mudstone sitting on top of the limestone around here that has peaked my interest.

So it is definately chert, but some of this chert is fossil-bearing chert. Is that unusual? I have included a picture of a specimen of Ilymatogyra arietina that I found in this cherty layer which appears to be made or filled in with chert (the under layer you can see at the tip of the fossil is beautiful cherty-purple).

In the last week, I have worked on the specimen that is the subject of this thread and have peeled off quite a bit of the reddish chert.

I hope you don't mind me submitting recent pictures of the specimen and asking if you see enough of a difference in the specimen to make a 'difference.'

I appreciate your continued analysis,











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Still does not look like a tooth to me. That is a very nice looking bivalve though. And yes, fossils can be found in chert. 

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Thank you very much for your reply.

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