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Interesting chunk of bowl-shaped Hell Creek bone

Opabinia Blues

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Heres another chunk of interesting-looking bone for which curiosity has finally gotten the best of me. This is a piece I picked up in 2021 on my summer dig at the Hell Creek Formation in Montana. I feel there’s a chance this piece might be identifiable.


This piece of bone is bowl-shaped with a strange web-like texturing on the convex side. The edge of the bone which is not broken is rounded and almost flower petal like. There is a set of T-shaped rounded ridges on the concave side. Not the best quality bone either, with significant siderite encrustation being present.

I have a few wild ideas about what this might be but want to hear some unbiased opinions.


Any ideas and help is much appreciated.









Edited by Opabinia Blues

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“The worse the country, the more tortured it is by water and wind, the more broken and carved, the more it attracts fossil hunters, who depend on the planet to open itself to us. We can only scratch away at what natural forces have brought to the surface.”
- Jack Horner

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Interesting piece!

You know, it kinda reminds me of a turtle shell piece. The shape and texture just look so similar to me to the turtle shell chunks you find in places like the Peace River. And there were some pretty hefty turtles that are known from Hell Creek from what I've heard (not as hefty as dinos like Trike or Ank, but on par with big modern land tortoises and alligator snappers). 

I could be wrong, but I'm gonna guess turtle shell piece from a big turtle.

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