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Possible Amber (ID help)


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This is my first post I found this forum while looking for help id'ing a large chunk of an unknown crystal like substance I found kayaking. 


Backstory... (Photos at bottom of post)

Today I was kayaking in coastal waters in northeast Florida. This is saltwater, marshy, lots of pine, Cyprus, cedar trees on higher ground. While paddling near the bank I noticed a strangely shaped rock and decided to check it out. About 3/4 the size of a basketball with 2 holes similar to those in a bowling ball. Used a pair of needlenose pliers to inspect before I put my fingers in (plenty of things that could be living in there that I didn't want to interact with).

As soon as the pliers made contact I could tell it was not rock, more of a glass feel. With some prying (attempting to free from muddy bottom) a piece broke off and immediately I was certain it was not rock, but the piece did not sink like glass. Also it smells like pine sap if that helps.






Edited by Jeff_neal
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If it does indeed smell like pine resin and comes from Florida, that may be exactly what it is. You should touch it with a hot needle and see if it melts. I don't think there are any true copal deposits in Florida, but since copal merely means 'not-fully polymerized tree resin" I suppose one could argue this is copal. But then, even resin dripping out of a tree would be considered copal.

Edited by Carl
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Amber vs more modern resin - place a small drop of acetone on the specimen and allow it to evaporate. Touch the area with tissue. If sticky, resin; no change to the surface, amber.


Your interesting piece is no doubt, resin; but the simple procedure above is diagnostic.

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