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Ammonite From Ripley Fm. Tn


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Hey guys - my son found this really nice ammonite at Coon Creek, TN. (Actually, it was in the middle of a big rock he insisted on bringing home. Good call!)

Any suggestions for ID?



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That's an awesome find and would make a good centerpiece in any display. My inclination falls in the Nostoceras/Bostrychoceras spectrum.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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That's an awesome find and would make a good centerpiece in any display. My inclination falls in the Nostoceras/Bostrychoceras spectrum.

Thanks, Dan. Appreciate the feedback. Def. not my area of expertise.

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Guest N.AL.hunter

That is a nice find. I've dug at Coon Creek twice and have many very good fossils form there, but not that one. You might not want to post it as when we were there it was one of the forbidden fossils, forbidden for us to keep it if we found one!

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That is an aboslutely gorgeous heteromorph ammonite that your son found! Like Dan, I agree that it is a Nostoceras. There are 3 reported species from the Coon Creek in McNairy County: Nostoceras (Nostoceras) hyatti (Stephenson, 1941), Nostoceras (Nostoceras) approximans (Conrad, 1855) and Nostoceras (Nostoceras) helicinum (Shumard, 1861). I can not tell which species is represented by your specimen. The same species are found in the Saratoga Formation in Arkansas, but never with the shell preserved.



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That is a nice find. I've dug at Coon Creek twice and have many very good fossils form there, but not that one. You might not want to post it as when we were there it was one of the forbidden fossils, forbidden for us to keep it if we found one!

I'm sure it would be a forbidden one...we didn't collect it on purpose. We found a concretion in the creekbed with a couple of clams on the outside and took the rock home as to not break the clams "field prepping". We took off the clams at home, and put the rest in the rock garden for a couple of years to weather. After a recent freeze, this baby popped out!

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Guest N.AL.hunter

I did not want to insinuate that you took it wrongly, just wanted to give you a heads up that if they see this posting, maybe they will try to get it back. It is a really nice fossil from there. Really neat how you did manage to discover it. Unfortunately, none of my blocks of sand encrusted molluscs had anything hiding in them. I wonder if they would let the forum come to collect there as a group? that is how I got there once, with a Geology club here in town. the second time was with students/school group.

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I did not want to insinuate that you took it wrongly, just wanted to give you a heads up that if they see this posting, maybe they will try to get it back. It is a really nice fossil from there. Really neat how you did manage to discover it. Unfortunately, none of my blocks of sand encrusted molluscs had anything hiding in them. I wonder if they would let the forum come to collect there as a group? that is how I got there once, with a Geology club here in town. the second time was with students/school group.

I didn't think you were insinuating anything....I agree!!

We went with the Eastern Missouri Society for Paleontology - a group as well. I wonder if we could pull together a group from this forum. Hmmmmm <_<

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I would be interested in going- I live halfway btween St. Louis and Memphis. I know they only take groups.

Brent Ashcraft

ashcraft, brent allen

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Wow. That is super neato. I would absolutly love to find a heteromorph like that!!! Just awesome!!!


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