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I'll be going to Delaware Water Gap from MI, I was wondering if there is any interesting places to fossil hunt off the I-80? Fee sites or family type places or road cuts. Anything...this trip came up FAST so I'm scrambling to plan something and any help would be great. I can't seem to find anything online...maybe because I feel under pressure :wacko:


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i would say search for pennsylvania (dont add the 'n' though! lol) ive seen a few threads here and there. might wanna bring a hammer with you though. i remeber some people posted up some good shale finds from outside pittsburgh. id say google for a geo map of the state as well, then just kinda eye ball it from googlemaps terain view.

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eli, from what i understand most of the gap area is state land. you have to be careful collecting on state land. here's a link to a north jersey fossil, and mineral site. these are the guys to ask...they really know the area well. http://jerseydiamonds.webs.com/

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This link may also help point you in some directions. It's sometimes cryptic. I think he has compiled any book or web reference to fossil sites he's ever found. Some sites are too generic to ever be found again, others give exact directions. I found some road cuts in central PA to hunt last summer using this site.

As mentioned, be careful about state land or other property issues. And good luck!

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I know of a couple of road cuts around Stroudsburg, but not very family friendly. Heck the one is almost in the road!

1. Intersection of Pinebrook Rd. and N. 5th st.(local route 191). about 3.5 miles north of Stroudsburg. Park in the gravel lot for the park and walk back along the road cut (be careful of traffic). Mahantango, Devonian. Lots of Coral and Crinoid Stems. Occasional Brachs and Trilobites. Some float can be found on downslope hillside on other side of road.

2. Near the village of Saylorsburg. Just northwest of Anchorage Road intersection with Wilkesbarre Pike (Old 115) on right hand side. Same type of exposure as above, but can be worked with tools.

Have fun and be safe!




Geologists on the whole are inconsistent drivers. When a roadcut presents itself, they tend to lurch and weave. To them, the roadcut is a portal, a fragment of a regional story, a proscenium arch that leads their imaginations into the earth and through the surrounding terrain. - John McPhee

If I'm going to drive safely, I can't do geology. - John McPhee

Check out my Blog for more fossils I've found: http://viewsofthemahantango.blogspot.com/

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Im from Pittsburgh, and I called the geological survey (I cant remember the number and not home now Ill PM you). But he was able to tell me of a few places and sent me a few sheets of what I can find and where, things like that.

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