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Denis Arcand

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I just had a general discussion about Fossils with ChatGPT, It's a language model created for the purpose of holding a conversation with the end user. A search engine indexes web pages on the Internet to help users find the information they need.

I have to say I'm impressed it was able to find species level information as well as specific information on geologic formations in my area. Of course, I don't really know how good the information is.


As an example, here is a question I ask and the corresponding answers it returned



What is the difference between Rafinesquina alternata, and Rafinesquina crenulata ?

Rafinesquina alternata and Rafinesquina crenulata are both species of brachiopods, which are a group of marine invertebrates that have a bivalve-like shell. The two species belong to the genus Rafinesquina and are found in the fossil record of the Ordovician period.

The main difference between the two species is in the shape and ornamentation of their shells. Rafinesquina alternata has a sub-triangular shape with a convex ventral valve and a concave dorsal valve. The shell is smooth and has a curved hinge line.

Rafinesquina crenulata, on the other hand, has a more circular shape with a convex ventral valve and a concave dorsal valve. The shell is ornamented with crenulations or small, rounded ridges along the margin of the valve.

Both species lived in the shallow sea environments of the Ordovician period, and are found in the fossil record in North America and Europe. They are important fossils for biostratigraphy and help in dating of the rocks and understanding the faunal change through the time.

It's worth noting that species identification of fossils might be difficult and uncertain, as it is based on morphological characteristics, and not all characteristics are preserved in fossils.


One fossil a day will keep you happy all day:rolleyes:

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