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Permian Update 2


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Hey guys, here is today's report. I'm not going formal so this might just come out as a big barf bag of info...

We managed to put more layers of plaster on the Connie Diplocaulus block, the plaster we had used yesterday turned out to be bad. The cover was still moist. Plaster didn't set. We're screaming profanities at this point. Ugghh. Not now not now. Don't have time for bad plaster. So we used a fresh bag we picked up in Wichita Falls. After stripping the bad layers, we re-layered it all day long, taking a couple hours in between each layer for drying. These layers turned out fine. We're guessing maybe 300 pounds weight. We used a inch thick plywood square 4' by 4' as a ramp for the truck, and after we backed it down the north side of the quarry, we slid the massive jacket in the back. That was one heavy boy. Luckily it didn't induce any unwanted bowel movements. Not like Captain Troy and the forty-seven foot rattler with a colt 45. Ok it was just a 4 footer but I'm sure Troy saw it a little different. Anyhooooooooooo... I managed to jacket my new little buddy... the complete Trimerorhachis skeleton. Haven't thought of a name for her yet. The body is so coooooool. I prepped on it a little today. The bones are all articulated looks like. So, after trenching around that this evening we slapped a good jacket on it. Looks like a giant white Dinosaur egg protruding from the hill. Mmmmm. Eggs. That'll be a heavy one too. We need to double the depth of it though. Next time trench around it another foot down to increase the jacket size so it can have a strong pedistal to sit on. The maxilla is still there, though I made a strong vinac jacket around the front face, no sides carved, its still on the bedding plane. Lots of work needed to remove. So I made the vinac jacket and we put a good strong field jacket cover on the top. Can lift it off next time. The King Richard side is incredible. Troy spent his time there between helping me jacket and letting the jackets dry. Exposed 4 more verts with neural spines bitten off midway up. Most are about a foot or less long after getting munched. The centrums all have the rib heads though. Pretty cool. One has some great pathologies. He must have gotten in one of those Permian barfights. Trying to pick up the wrong Dimetro-dame.

Found a gigantic claw on the west side of the quarry. And a small diadectid tooth, broken. I think.

I found a large claw on the Neo bed inbetween thiiiiiiin thin ribs. Nice claw. Imagining a pint size Neo with huuuge claws. Hmmmm. Neo is opening up again. I found a few more verts with ribs attached and neural spines bitten off close to the attachment. Neo is funny. Very verrrry young Dimetrodon. Articulated. But slightly chewed. Someone nibbled him a bit after death but didn't do too much. Only took the meaty parts. Legs. Everything else ok. Spine nibbled a bit. Found two articulated toes there too. Not right size for claw, but seems way to big for Neo. Go fig. We didn't get to do much with the Neo jacket. Too much going on there.

The Amphib site hasn't produced any shed teeth yet. Only a the three diplos and the trimer and the large diplo jaw and skull frags next to it, which is also in the major trimer jacket. I suspect that there is a large diplo underneath the jaw and underneath the Trimer. Small hints of bone. The amphib site is really interesting. Intriguing. Scary. I know there are more hiding in that wall. The Bride side also burped some newbies today. We walked over there after a jacketing romp; Tank found the huge claw on the Bride bed, I found a large dimet dorsal the rain had washed out. Still in place on the west side of the bed. Lots more things coming out. Will be a ton of bone in there this summer. Probably those flying Diplos with gigantic serrated teeth, poisonous tail barbs they can fire like sidewinder missiles, and don't forget the lasers coming out of their eyes. That's one bad amphibian. I'm tired. Going to bed. Wait am I in bed. Where am I. Uggh. Need a vacation.

Promise to load up the pics in a few days. Heading out in a day or so.


Edited by dinodigger
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You guys need someone on site to do cartoon illustrations of your antic important paleontological work. Looking forward to the photos.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Dude, you and Troy have been in the sun too long. hehe Forty seven feet, heck I know JohnJ has fought off one that was 60 feet! :P Ask Troy about Dallas flying 12 feet in the air and screaming like Janet Leigh in the Psycho shower scene over at Wilson's last year. :lol:

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What imagery! Someone call Ray Troll!

"Hello, Ray? Two words: 'Permian Barfight'..."

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Will be a ton of bone in there this summer. Probably those flying Diplos with gigantic serrated teeth, poisonous tail barbs they can fire like sidewinder missiles, and don't forget the lasers coming out of their eyes.

This made me smile. :)

I trust that you're being tired (and even funny) is a result of much hard work and a greater sense of satisfaction.

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