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any tips for fossil hunting in the sugar run formation?


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i’ve been doing some research on places i could go fossil hunting around illinois and sugar run looks really interesting. But admittedly i don’t know a whole lot about it or really about fossil hunting in general, so any tips or advice y’all have, like any particular road cuts or other locations that i should go to, or what places i shouldn’t go to, would be cool.


more importantly though, from what i’ve read, fossils from that formation generally aren’t eroded out of their matrix, which will be my first time dealing with this. Is there any way to know like which rocks to split, or where in a rock to split in order to best expose a fossil without damaging it?


any help is very appreciated!

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Useful advice for other locations....






After searching The Forum, try reaching out to locals via PM about specific locations.  



The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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1 hour ago, JohnJ said:

Useful advice for other locations....






After searching The Forum, try reaching out to locals via PM about specific locations.  



sorry, i’m completely new to this and don’t know too much about fossil hunting


what do you mean by PM? i’ve never heard about that before.


and when reaching out to locals, is there anyone in particular i should ask? I guess i’m just not too sure about what to do here.

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5 minutes ago, Rh_4m said:

what do you mean by PM?

Private message.  


Reviewing TFF topics will give you an idea of which members are hunting in the area near you.  A polite private message might yield a few leads.  Posting lesser known productive locations is practically never good for the future of the location.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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