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Is sweat harmful to fossils?


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I don't think so, only liquids like oil can be dangerous. depending on the formation and matrix, a very sandstone like fossil can be fragile to water / sweat. therefore you can better protect them by adding a special product to it, its been posted on the forum before but Im not an expert at this. This is only important if you would find a fossil yourself in my opinion , usually sellers would already treat it.

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Holding fossils makes me cautious, not nervous.  Just minimize handling them, they are not toys, and when you do its best over a soft surface at table height.   The slight amount of moisture and oils in your sweat should not affect them.  All fossils should be coated with a consolidant to preserve them so that's an added protection.  If you are concerned and become nervous consider wearing white cotton gloves when handling them.  Keeps them dry and gives you a more stable grip.  

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On 2023/2/12 at 午後8時10分, Phos_01 said:


Thank you for letting me know.l’m relieved to hear that.


On 2023/2/12 at 午後8時51分, Troodon said:


I'll look for it next time.


Thank you for letting me know.

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too much handling will stain fossils from natural oils in your hands/fingers.  This is less admirable and will stain the fossils, but it tales a lot of handling.  A lot.   

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2 minutes ago, jpc said:

取り扱いが多すぎると、手や指の天然油から化石が染みます。これはそれほど立派ではなく、化石を汚しますが、多くの取り扱いが必要です. 多くの。   

Thank you for letting me know.

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Like the others said: It really depends on what the fossil is composed of. I have some fossils that I could run under the kitchen sink all day and others that even a wipe from a moist paper towel would ruin. 

Likewise with holding them there are going to be some that should not be held and others that are okay to be passed around a classroom. 

If in doubt it is better to be cautious. 

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You can also always wear some nitrile or latex gloves as well if you are worried about handing fossils, minerals and gemstones that you think would be highly reactive to moisture and oils found in the human hand

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