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Inca Collected Trilobites?


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Yes, it's fun :)

Has anyone ever heard of fossils being used as grave goods?

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

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Yes, it's fun :)

Has anyone ever heard of fossils being used as grave goods?

The interpretive center at Cahokia Mounds World Heritage site just outside St. Louis has fossil sharks teeth found in a burial. They look like the black teeth commonly found at Venice, FL.

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The filter at work blocks ebay...so i cant see it...but the wiki page for trilobites says:

"Until the early 1900s, the Ute Indians of Utah wore trilobites, which they called Pachavee (little water bug), as amulets. A hole was bored in the head and the fossil was worn on a string.[73]"

with 73 being the source cited. IMO - wiki is an amazing tool, and if you verify sources cited then its very legit. any one that says otherwise just doesnt know.... :P

Ancient peoples everywhere collected fossils.

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The best thing about this auction is that the trilobite is "ready to be ship in the USA or arround the glove." Well... that makes ME want to bid on it!

Angus Stydens


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There was a Trilobite (Labiostria westropi) found with many Coast Salish artifacts (knives, scrapers and projectile points of basalt and nepherite) near Lillooet in the Frazer Valley here in British Columbia. The trilobite must have been traded since this type of trilobite is only known from the Tanglefoot Creek area in Southeastern British Columbia over 450 km away.

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