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Fossil insect?


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So growing up we had a neighbor who was like family and someone I really looked up to. He was a geologist and he also taught at a local university, as I'm not sure of his exact credentials Ive only known this because I was very young when he was alive. He passed years ago but left me some of his fossil finds over his life and Im hoping I can get some help to know what they are. So I'm starting with this one. Unfortunately I have no information as to where they were found . 









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How big is this ? I can see why it was collected, but somehow I doubt it's a fossil.

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9 minutes ago, Rockwood said:

How big is this ? I can see why it was collected, but somehow I doubt it's a fossil.

It's about the size of a MLB baseball, I can get exact measurements if needed. Could you tell me what it could be if not a fossil? Or perhaps direct me to examples of something similar i.e. chert nodule, concretion etc..

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I think it does have the look of chert, and the contrast between the sides would suggest nodule. It's hard for me to say much more though.

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Hi, Can you tell us where you live ? I Ask that because he was your neighbour and might have gathered his stones nearby, so that might help in determining what you have inherited of.

Edited by fifbrindacier
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"On ne voit bien que par le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux." (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

"We only well see with the heart, the essential is invisible for the eyes."


In memory of Doren


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I think this could be bits of weathered shell material in the rock, but I'm not really seeing anything diagnostic to narrow it down.  Not knowing where it is from or even an Era (Cenozoic/Mesozoic/Paleozoic) makes it even more difficult.

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From the tags with this post I can say with certainty that there is nothing visible to suggest any sort of fossilized insect here.


If this item is biological (not purely geological) in origin, the only type of fossil that comes to mind would be some sort of coprolite. Without any collection information it will very likely not be possible to determine a collection location nor the age of the surface rocks where it was collected. As mentioned above, unless it is a very apparent (and somewhat common) type of fossil the chances of a correct ID are pretty minimal without associated information.


I don't think you'll get anything more than interestingly textured rock.






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