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My Sphenodiscus Project


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I had the whole day for fossil play today, did some work in my Notogoneus, but also dug out three of my crappy spheno ammos to practice on. I did do quite a bit of air abrading on two of these, and to my surprise, they came out a bit better than I thought they would! In this picture of three of them on my table saw, you can kinda see what size they are, but you cant really see the one in the back, but I think that will be the best of these three. We are supposed to have some nice warm weather on sunday, so Im going to try and finish up my magic on these and hopefully post some finishes photos by monday? Sure is fun to be prepping again!!! WoooooHooooooo!!!



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I sent 4 externally ugly Escondido fm Sphenodiscus to a buddy in Arlington recently. He cut them on a rock saw. One was mud filled, 2 were solid calcite filled with little septum definition, and one is supposedly spectacular with hollow chambers lined with ocher colored calcite crystals and approaches Madagascar quality. When I get this thing back I'll post some images.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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sweet Ron those are HUGE!

ive suggested this before, but have you ever tried cutting one of these ammos?

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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Hey Dan. I also would love to see that one ammo when you get it back. Sounds like its a real beauty!!!

And to Mr Kauffy, I dont have a saw big enough to cut one of these, but even if I did, I dont think i would cut them in half?


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I'm on board with that - if an ammonite is outwardly beautiful, I'm not tempted to see what's inside. However I accidentally broke a few when beating them out of the limestone and saw hollow crystal filled chambers, so I've earmarked all the uglies from that site for cutting.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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This rock is not one of my sphenos obviously, but I got this mutli arturia rock from my new washington buddy. It took many hours of boring "ruffing out" to get down to these, but once I did, it really got fun!!! Each and everyone of these beauties has problems, like most fossils, but being that Ive never worked on a multi arturia rock before, I was in heaven! Even one of my teenagers thought it looked "not to bad dad". Ha!! Kids! Now, I just want to get a bigger and better conc of these!!!



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This rock is not one of my sphenos obviously, but I got this mutli arturia rock from my new washington buddy. It took many hours of boring "ruffing out" to get down to these, but once I did, it really got fun!!! Each and everyone of these beauties has problems, like most fossils, but being that Ive never worked on a multi arturia rock before, I was in heaven! Even one of my teenagers thought it looked "not to bad dad". Ha!! Kids! Now, I just want to get a bigger and better conc of these!!!


Nice arturia... man :D

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ahh woops i didnt mean these but i do remember in the past you had some you were going to "throw away" ahaha maybe these are the ones worth cutting? see if theres any "inner" beauty! hhaha!


"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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Ok, this oily snarge thats on these ammos now has to sit for a few days, but they are looking a heck of alot better. I wish I was better at taking photos with the lighting and stuff, but for now, this is the best I can do. These are also taking quite a bit longer than I had hoped, and with the cold weather we got comin our way, it will be a week or so before I can get to them again. A couple more steps to go.



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Ok, this oily snarge thats on these ammos now has to sit for a few days, but they are looking a heck of alot better. I wish I was better at taking photos with the lighting and stuff, but for now, this is the best I can do. These are also taking quite a bit longer than I had hoped, and with the cold weather we got comin our way, it will be a week or so before I can get to them again. A couple more steps to go.


Great armonites Man !!! ;)

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man those sure are purty! i wouldnt mind finding something that cool! that "oil snarge" really brought out the colors....neato! thanks for sharing.

What exactly is that oil snarge? :)

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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I sent 4 externally ugly Escondido fm Sphenodiscus to a buddy in Arlington recently. He cut them on a rock saw. One was mud filled, 2 were solid calcite filled with little septum definition, and one is supposedly spectacular with hollow chambers lined with ocher colored calcite crystals and approaches Madagascar quality. When I get this thing back I'll post some images.

Now, that will be something to see! I can only dream of finding those here in Arkansas.

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Well Folks, my Sphenodiscus project has grown! Besides the three that I started with for this project, here are three more different ones. I was busy with my son cleaning my garage, getting things orginized and puting things away, when we ran into the other sphenos that I already knew about. My son told me that I had more? I said "no, the ones I have are all right here",,, He said, "no dad, you have more in the shed". He said he would go find them, and by golly he did find two more!!! Besides that it was 6 degrees this morning and it took me about an hour and a half to get my hoses thawed out, I finally got to work on these beauties! It took me most of the day to get them 'ruffed' out, and they do have problems, this first one had some missing keel on the small part! I just about had a heart attack but kept going. Its going to be a challenge to try and rebuild the missing keel part, but I have lots of shell material left over from these sphenos, so im going to try and rebuild it. If I do a really horrible job, I can always throw it into the trash can!!! HA!!! Here is a pic of the first one.



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Ok, here is the second one that I had forgotten about. It has problems, you can see the crack in the rock and going into the ammo. I have to fix that crack in the rock and also the part in the ammo. Not counting cleaning up all the rock and lots of air abrading to clean up the ammo too. But it almost looks cool enough to not throw it into the trash can? HA!! I really am having fun, except for all the cold weather!!



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Here is one that I knew I had and just started it today. It also has problems, but I have lots of shell on the opposing piece to fix that. I still have lots of clean up work on this one, and its a shame that you cant see all the color in this, but belive me, its there!!! I also used lots and lots of super glue with lots and lots of Accelerator and all I saw was GREEN,,,,,,, and REDS,,,, and PURPLES,,, and other colors too!!! I cant feakin wait to get this one done!!! I have a good feeling that this one wont go into the trash can?!!! Hahaahahaahaaaaa!!!



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