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Fossil Pomegranate Fruit


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Years ago I purchased a large Fossil Pomegranate from a dealer who said it was from the Miocene of Nebraska. I don't have the specimen handy,or I would have posted a pic. Despite gobs of searching, I can't find anything like it anywhere. Has anyone come across such a thing, or was the data off? If I had to take a stab, I'd say it is a gypsum replacement, though I could be wrong. Thanks. Curt

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I have seen a few whole fossil fruits from california but not the midwest, i will be looking for some info.


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Guest solius symbiosus

Pics please. For any fruit to be fossilize would be incredibly rare. They are terrestrial, made of soft tissue, and a delicacy to most critters.

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Sol i am working on it. it just so happens a friend i collect with found a coconut in cali it is beautiful. I know he will post it as soon as he is in front of his comp


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