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Restoring Shark Teeth


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I am sure that there is a thread for this on here, but didnt have much luck finding it. I have several teeth that I am looking to restore and to practice on. I was wondering what are the steps in restoring teeth/techniques and what should be used as a filler? Is Paleosculp the best to use?

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Everyone I know uses magicsculpt. It can be smoothed over with a wet finger, be carved once it has dried, and painted on (with acrylics or oils). Once you've painted the surface, you can add a layer of clearcoat. I'll upload some photos later (of other's work, not my own).

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  • 4 weeks later...

depends where is the damage located? the reason i ask is that if its a big area or a area that would be difficult to sculpt by hand you can use a texture pad-(terry cloth towel, or make a latex mold over a textured are you want to create) and press that into the epoxy putty. magic scuplt is fine but apoxie sculpt is way better. you can order apoxie sculpt through avesstudio.com. also depending on the are being restored you may want to pre tint the apoxie sculpt to the lightest color that will be showing through then paint over that base color.

B.A. in Geology Augustana College 2003

Full time taxidermist since 2004

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