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Hello, I just signed up here because I am looking for fossil data on the Cenomanian North African hybodont Distobatus nutiae. Information on it has proven to be elusive and I do not have the means to access the article in which it was first described. I am particularly interested in information relevant to the potential size and diet of this species.


While I'm at it, in my research I've also noticed that hybodont reconstructions even of the same genus (such as Hybodus) are variously reconstructed with either one or two pairs of cranial claspers. Is it clear from the fossil data how many pairs of cranial claspers male hybodonts were equipped with? Did it vary at the family, genus, or even species level?


Hopefully this is the right area of the forum to seek this information, thanks in advance.

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I think there’s a part of the forum that deals with documentation. I’ll call @piranha who has a lot of articles, maybe he can find it for you.




Pareidolia : here

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Ma bibliothèque PDF 2 (Animaux vivants - sans poissons ni sélaciens) : ici
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Here is the citation for the reference where the shark was first described. Maybe a member has access to it and can translate German.

Die Elasmobranchier - Fauna des Gebel Dist Member der Bahariya Formation (Obercenoman) der Oase Bahariya, Agypten. Palaeo Ichthyologica, 5 1989: 1-112.

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