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Hornsea Beach Finds


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hi all!! i've just come back from poking through hornsea beach (england uk) and i have a small bag of finds. i'm quite new to identifying fossils so any help would be so very much appreciated!! thank you in advance for your time and expertise.


hornsea beach's cliffs are made up of boulder clay and are said to be good for erratics.



1. ammonite?



2.  interesting imprint at the bottom, maybe crinoid impressions??



3. not sure



4. not sure



5. some kind of plant?



6. unusual imprint at the top there



7. curious as to whether this one is just a quartz deposit or something else? there are two on the front and one long one on the back.



8. a brachiopod? this one is a little iridescent when turned in the light, the picture doesn't capture this very well!


thank you again :trilo:


Edited by rat7
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1 is a Dactylioceras ammonite from the Lias

2. Shell has

3. Doesnt look biological to me

4. likely a shell

5. Igneous rock

6.Piece of flint - maybr some biological material preserved at top

7. Bit of septarian nodule

8. if its iridiscent maybe its calcite? not sure :) 

Nice finds though, keep hunting! 


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